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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Relationships / Symbiosis

Relationships / Symbiosis
illustration by Atira Robinson

Relationship : the word "relationship" first appeared in 1744, but was not applied "specifically of romantic or sexual relationships" until 1944. With that in mind this explains the confusion associated with the use of the word even today to look at how beings interact with each other in nature takes us to the word SYMBIOSIS.

Symbiosis (from Ancient Greek σύν "together" and βίωσις "living")[1] is close and often long-term interaction between two or more different biological species.

With Symbiosis there are three main types, which we know on an intuitive and instinctive level.
Between two beings the following are all the possible types of living systems:
1. A and B both grow together
2. A grows B is neutral
3. A grows B shrinks
4. A is Neutral B shrinks.

Now to break down each.
1. A and B both Grow together - Mutualism : any relationship between individuals of different species where both individuals benefit. Similar interactions within a species are known as co-operation. Pretty Self explanatory both agree to work towards a specific goal that is Co-operation, this is done in many shapes and forms now there is another layer to co-operation or mutualism in which it is obligatory, the obligatory situation is where both NEED one another the goby fish, which sometimes lives together with a shrimp. The shrimp digs and cleans up a burrow in the sand in which both the shrimp and the goby fish live. The shrimp is almost blind, leaving it vulnerable to predators when above ground. In case of danger the goby fish touches the shrimp with its tail to warn it. When that happens both the shrimp and goby fish quickly retreat into the burrow. Now the goby fish needs the shrimp to create the home, and the shrimp needs the goby fish vision both understand that.

2. A grows B is neutral - Commensalism describes a relationship between two living organisms where one benefits and the other is not significantly harmed or helped.

Commensal relationships may involve one organism using another for transportation (phoresy) or for housing (inquilinism), or it may also involve one organism using something another created, after its death (metabiosis). Examples of metabiosis are hermit crabs using gastropod shells to protect their bodies and spiders building their webs on plants. This is very straight forward in nature, in human interaction we are aware of a common example, parents that house there adult children, there child though an adult takes care of there own needs within the house hold allowing them an advantage in society the parents have no gain in some situations from this arrangement (or getting a lift to work from your neighbour doesn't benefit the neighbour at all with regards to survival).

3. A grows B shrinks - the one we will all be familiar with A parasitic relationship: one in which one member of the association benefits while the other is harmed. There are several examples in nature Fleas and fungus etc.. these associations have varying degrees, some parasites require their host to survive, while others kill their host and move on to the next. If you believe you are in a parasitic relationship with another person first acknowledge what you are loosing try to point it out to the partner and if that does not work I would suggest leaving that relationship.

4.A is neutral B shrinks - Amensalism is the type of relationship that exists where one species is inhibited or completely obliterated and one is unaffected. This type of symbiosis is relatively uncommon in rudimentary reference texts, but is omnipresent in the natural world. An example is a sapling growing under the shadow of a mature tree. The mature tree can begin to rob the sapling of necessary sunlight and, if the mature tree is very large, it can take up rainwater and deplete soil nutrients. Throughout the process the mature tree is unaffected. Indeed, if the sapling dies, the mature tree gains nutrients from the decaying sapling. Note that these nutrients become available because of the sapling's decomposition, rather than from the living sapling, which would be a case of parasitism. Are you covered by someone's shadow, realise that they may not be aware as your darkness is not aiding there growth and make the conscious decision to change your situation.

All of the above though they relate to different species hold great insight for how humans relate to one another, we all have parasitic, mutualistic , commensalistic, and amensalistic relationships the healing comes from identifying which role we play in each and consciously choosing what type of associations we truly desire.

Silent Mind Meditation Insight 1

SM Meditation insight 1:
Fact to experience - Life is A struggle.
Experience :
The birth of a child is called labor - to work hard. 
From entering this world we are taught that this life begins with us kicking and screaming and ends with us kicking and screaming.
Through deep insight meditation I desired to experience this concept of life as a struggle, and unravel the inner teachings.
I realised that a struggle or labor is the modus operandi of the logical mind, we visualise a goal and actively work towards achieving this goal thus creating a state of constant struggle, constant want, constant desire. If I desire to be non attached, then my goal has changed to the lack of attachment and my new struggle is to release the bond attachments have on me or the links I have to situations / individuals.

The deeper I went into meditating on the fact my mind manifested a response, The answer to this dilemma of struggle is to simply BE, for we are human Beings, as the plant grows towards the light wanting not, worrying not, struggling not, expecting not, so too does the enlightened soul ascend the logical mind into higher states of consciousness, void of time or expectations..
The word that was impressed upon me was non-expectation, without expectations we can practice BEING, observing the present and accepting as it is wanting not, struggling not, enjoying the serenity of the NOW.

Silent Mind Meditation insight 2

SM Meditation insight 2:
Fact to experience - Pursuit of an Ideal
Experience :Ideal satisfying one's conception of what is perfect; most suitable.

While meditating upon the Pursuit of an Ideal, my mind automatically formed the word perfection, and slowly dismantled all notions surrounding it. Each individual has their own Ideals, their own morals, their own values, each society , community and religion as well. The pursuit of an ideal brought an explosion of laughter within my being, as it came to my awareness that we are perfect, we engross ourselves in a cycle that is never ending, great spirit created man in all his perfection, we are Ideal, and to pursue this ideal and reap any awareness from it is to realise that we ARE perfect, and accept ourselves as we are unhindered by society, be aware of who you are and what you feel from each moment to moment, experience that grace for the gift of awareness, the ability to be associated with a group yet retain your individual consciousness is amazing, the Ideal is 0, a state between negatives and positives, a space of creation, a space of non movement, the void spoken of in the christian bible from which all matter is created, the constant state of NOW. Yet this is my finding I invite you to seek Your TRUTH.

Sm Meditation insight 3 - Self Confidence

SM Meditation insight 3:
Fact to experience - Self-Confidence
Experience : Self - Confidence a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.

Confidence is a rain drop in the lake of our lives, that if traced carries us to the river, which connects us to the sea of global awareness, for to have Self-Confidence requires identification of self, Self is not the EGO , Ego is part of self as the droplet is a part of the sea.
Secondly Confidence is tied into Honesty, for first we must accept who we are, then be honest with ourselves and the world this is not an easy task for many.
Finally with arriving in the sea of global consciousness we realise that confidence is courage to be congruent, The strength to be honest with ourselves, with all our flaws.
All who quest upon this path find that we should embrace our imperfections, Self-Confidence is courageously accepting this journey and accepting what we find.

This is my findings what are yours...

SM meditation insight 4

SM Meditation Insight 4
Fact to experience - Accumulation of Attachments

Experience gained : attached - joined or fastened to something.

Accumulation of attachments is a subconscious process that once initiated consumes an individual slowly until identity and freedom is lost. This is comparable to the unquenchable fire from the christian bible, this flame will not die until it consumes all in its path, from birth we believe that attachments are required for survival, attachment to our name, our family, our title, our job, our friends, our partners, our nation, our educational institution , our community. With the accumulation of several connections over time the individual loses sight of self and the original soul contract this existence / experience was intended for. I invite you to enter the space of Non-Attachment, not being attached does not indicate lack of empathy or compassion, this indicates a conscious decision to be congruent, to act as soul desires iregardless of another's view, the path of non-attachment has been portrayed to many as a lonely path void of love. I will shine some light on this concept, the truth is that Non-attachment leads to non-judgement and non-suffering, in the vibration of attachment the love that is shared will be conditional, dependent upon expectations, attached to perceived desires , once these desires are not met then begins the onset of suffering. From the space of non-attachment there is no judgement, we accept things as they are, there is no suffering we do not dwell on what could have been, we simply delight in what is and always will be.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Silent Mind Meditation Insight 5: Man God's After Image

My Insight I received today was while doing a Trataka meditation, this involved focusing on a candle until my eyes got watery then with my eyes closed focusing on the after image holding it for as long as I could, during this meditation below details the insights I received this was a first time experience as I would normally gain insights after my trataka meditation not during.


As I focused on the flame I saw small sparks of energy and the beautiful glow in the rainbow colors emanate from this small wick before, I felt a sense of peace, giving into this peace I closed my eyes and focused on the after image a small yellow tear drop shaped glow with a green and purple outline amidst the pitch black backdrop of my closed eyes.
As I focused on this after image observing as it shrank to nothingness before me from the pitch black appeared a scene.
I observed Spirit, the creator desiring an experience, manifesting a woman on earth to have this experience, spirit was not seen but I was aware that the pitch black darkness that surrounds this woman felt familiar to the pitch black of my closed eyes, to allow this woman to have an experience of forgiveness spirit had to create another individual to harm her and from that encounter she experienced forgiveness , I observed as the woman , the man, the entire scene disappeared returning to darkness similar to my afterimage of the candle. 
I then observed as  Spirit created several individuals, animals plants our world in this darkness, desiring several experiences , as each experience was accomplished that manifestation would fade and return to spirit.
I observed special souls that though created to have an experience they were aware of this fact, they communicated with spirit, I observed how there afterimage grew in color, it was extremely vivid impossible to fade out , these individuals through communicating with spirit assisted the other manifestations with accomplishing their initial desire, their soul contract, their purpose for being manifested after observing this my mind returned to the pitch black of my closed eye lids.

Gratitude to Anmol Mehta for introducing me to several meditation techniques which have become a part of my regular practice.

Monday, November 4, 2013

The Upper World

What Happens When We Die ?

I was recently on Fame 95 for "Uncensored" program and It inspired me to share information on the Upper World along with a recording of the interview. below

The Upper World

The Upper World is what psychiatry refers to as the superconscious, a realm that’s greater than the limited ego sense we have in our everyday existence.
All traditional societies refer to the Upper World (as do many religions), and each has its own map to describe the terrain. There are the Christian depictions of purgatory and paradise, which delineate the levels of purification humans must undergo before entering into paradise. There are the ancient maps of Tibet that illustrate the bardo planes, where a person’s soul atones for his mistakes and then returns to the light after much hardship and suffering. The laika tell of a multitiered landscape which is inhabited by the collective souls of minerals, plants, and animals , as well as the souls of our ancestors; and each of the five planes of this wolrd exists in a different relationship to time.
The Laika, believe that after your death, you naturally gravitate toward one of these levels of the Upper World based upon how you’ve lived your life. If you arrive in an unhealed state, for instance ,you’re consigned to the lower tiers, where you undergo a period of cleansing and purging. Yet if you live consciously, you can arrive at one of the higher tiers of the Upper World, where there’s no time or suffering…. Only joy.
The beings you meet in the upper world are there to guide you with regards to your soul contracts in this life, to reconnect us with our lifes purpose we chose before the human experience.

The Five Planes of the Upper World.

First Plane, Level of the Stone People

Once you pass the gatekeeper, you’ll enter into the lowest tiers of the Upper World. In the first level, time passes in a fashion similar to how you experience it in your world. It marches forward, taking the occasional detour to reverse itself, as it does in dreams, but it is basically linear.
This level is an earthbound world of darkness and suffering, where you purify yourself before moving on to higher levels that are filled with joy and peace. For indigenous cultures, the first level of the Upper World is known as the domain of the Stone people. This is where the essence and spirit of stones reside and energy vibrates at a very low frequency.
Great for stones not for people, No light, no senses, you have a vague awareness of the presence of others, but you can’t relate to them or communicate with them. Here’ there is only suffering.
Earthbound spirit that’s purging and cleansing and is still attached to a place where it might have lived or was killed, we’re referring to a spirit that’s stuck in the realm of the Stone People. They cling to the location of an automobile accident, a rape, a place where soul loss and life loss happened at the same time. They may also be bound to a person they loved or hated, lingering and clinging to them until the person joins them in the first tier, and their able to resolve their souls business together.
According to legend you can’t leave the first tier until you learn the way of stewardship of the earth represented by the Stone People. (unfinished business).

Second plane – Plant people
As a soul purges and heals, it becomes increasingly awake; consequently it may pass into the second tier of the Upper World. This level is much more pleasant for humans than the first. You can see, and all of your senses are available to you, but there continues to be suffering as you purge from your last lifetime. The tide of time still exerts a pull, and cause and effect still predominate.
here the many streams of your previous lifetimes run into the currents of your most recent existence. You not only recapitulate and experience the events of your recent past, but those of many other incarnations as well
. You meet beings you recognize and who recognize you. As in a dream people from the distant past and from your recent lifetimes appear and seek forgiveness of vengeance. You can interact with them, but as in dreams, senses change rapidly and it takes a long time to find resolution.
You can’t leave the second tier until you accept responsibility for the stewardship of all green life, of the flowers, and of the forests. The plant people level is one of cleansing and growth, life and sunlight, it’s a green world where the spirits of plants reside.
The laika journey to this place to receive guidance as to which herbs and plants they should use for a person in need. It is from this wolrd that pharmacology first emerged among traditional peoples. Indigenous healers did not test 100 of remedies before finding what worked, they asked.

Third Plane: Level of the Animal Spirits

 This realm has the spirit of all animals and extinct species, individuals aren’t differentiated from each other and there’s nothing but a complete absorption with nature because animals have collective souls, unlike humans who have individual souls. There’s no consciousness, no separation from anything that occurs around you-instead, you’re abosorbed and possessed by the collective with no sense of I or self.
Time is completely fluid in this world, although there’s still a past and present.
The human soul that inhabit this world are in their final stages of purging. All that’s required now is that they awaken and realize that they’re dreaming. According to legend, you many not leave this tier until you can participate consciously in the evolution of all life.
During these 3 levels you will meet those you are familiar with but you cannot communicate each soul is focused on there own purging.

The Fourth Plane – Ancestors

 The souls of your ancestors reside in the fourth tier, and you can engage them in dialogue because they’ve finished their own atonement process. This domain is filled with people, places and things that mirror and parallel those from your world. Here you meet your loved ones who have completed the journey back home.
A shaman helps you in this life to heal so in the afterlife it is not required to journey through all of these planes.
This is all about preparing to meet your celestial parents, who will help you choose the next family you’ll be born into, the circumstances and place of your next birth, and what kind of life experiences you;’ll have in your next incarnation.
The life-review process occurs in the presence of your celestial parents, this is where you’re accused, the defendant, the judge and the jury all at once.
The 4th tier is a realm of peace and rest for humans, where souls gather between incarnations. Even though you’ve purged and atoned, your soul’s history will determine your next incarnation. Time stands nearly still, but cause and effect and the law of karma still predominate. A minute in this realm can be a century of earth time.
Legend says you don’t evolve beyond this domain until you accept responsibility for dreaming the entire universe into being.

5th Plane level of the highest

 From here you can climb a ladder into the fifth and highest level. The realm of angels, archangels where the great medicine healers reside. This is where all the souls dedicated to assisting humankind dwell, including the bodhisattvas of Buddhism and the saints of Christianity. This is where you meet your self that never entered the stream of time, the once containing all the knowledge of the person you’re evolving into.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Meet "Kalaan Nibonri" Robert

About Me:

Born in St. Andrew Jamaica Robert "Kalaan" Pairman is first and foremost a Behike (Taino medicine man) and was recently chosen and appointed Kasike (Taino Chief) for the Yukayeke Yamaye Guani (Taino tribe of the Jamaican Humming Bird ) from the heart of Jamaica. He now walks with the Taino name "Nibonri Kaiman".

Kasike Nibonri Kaiman is trained in the Peruvian Qero Inca traditions , Taino traditions and was initiated into Sacred Plant Medicine. He is also a  Certified Holistic Health Practitioner with American Association of Drugless Practitioners and a Certified Meditation Teacher with Mastery of Meditation and Yoga..  

His journey to share healing through various indigenous practices started in 2012 and on till this point decided to focus and grow his knowledge and healing. He now share's the wisdom garnered. 

In 2012 during his Peruvian Qero Inca Shamanic Journey, he learnt of the Ancient Qero Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor which speaks toward the people of the North (Eagle) reuniting with the people of the South (Condor) soaring in the sky together honoring the relations throughout the Americas. In July 2016 he had the extreme privilege, to represent Jamaican Taino and All Taino of the Caribbean in the Peace & Dignity Journeys that spanned Four and half months of running and praying through Indigenous communities, in the fulfillment of the Ancient Prophecy. 

The journey has fueled Kasike Kalaan as he is now the Caribbean Peace and Dignity Journeys Organizer and desires even further to be the bridge connecting not only our people and culture with each other but, individuals with the healing capabilities that lay dormant within.

His practices aim to awaken our inner healer , so we can grasp a deeper appreciation for life and elevate our quality of living.
The tools I use are , Illumination ceremony, Extraction ceremonies, Soul retrieval ceremonies , destiny retrieval ceremonies, Cohiba Ceremonies , Cannabis Ceremonies, divination through my mesa (medicine bag) , shamanic journeys with my flute and several other ceremonies that draw on the energy of mother earth and father sky, creating balance in ourself and the universe.

Below radio interview on Extraction and Soul Retrieval :

Short Introduction:
Taino Behike (Healer and Ceremonial leader) and Kasike from the Heart of Jamaica, trained in the peruvian Qero Inca traditions, plant medicine , Certified Holistic Health Practicioner with American Association of Drugless Practitioners and Certified Meditation Teacher with Mastery of Meditation and Yoga..

Experience: Robert's Linked In Profile


Monday, August 5, 2013

Eagle Spirit Guide - Tarak

I find myself at a comfortable stage with my Wolf Spirit Guide/ Power Animal, not requiring to journey to communicate with my wolf Raiki (means Trust energy) I am able to simply close my eyes and communicate.
Still feeling as if I am stuck in the direction of the East I spoke with Raiki asking for guidance, He informed me that he is able to show me where souls have been, to track the past and arrive at the present to give guidance and wisdom from those who have gone before me but what Lies ahead I have another guide who will assist with that.

I realise he was speaking of my Eagle spirit guide, I had journeyed with it a couple of times to the Upper World to seek guidance from my celestial parents but I never spent the time to connect with the Eagle it was more like a transport to the higher realms. 
I called on the Eagle and for the first time I saw it in full form, a gigantic bird landed before me and looked into my eyes.
I asked it what lessons do you have to teach me, it replied that I have yet to honour it or gain its respect, aside from the respect it has for my celestial parents and spirit I have not proven myself to connect on a deeper level with this Guide.

I instinctly knew that she wanted me to figure out how to fly on my own.

I  am a slow flyer in Lucid dreams yet this space was different, this was a space between dreaming and being awake and It took effort to remain in this space communicating with my Eagle Spirit Guide.
I visualised the eagle flying and realised that for it to rise the Eagle rides currents of wind, it allows itself to be carried to a height , it all stems from a space of non resistance.

So I attempted while conscious of my physical body to allow my consciousness to rise to higher vibrations, while doing so the analytical part of my being brought gravity into my consciousness if gravity is keeping us here how could I float or levitate from letting go, then it occurred to me, if gravity is Keeping us down without gravity we all would float, to stay on the ground one needs to be grounded anchored energetically to mother earth, through releasing inhibitions and fears we naturally rise. While I thought on this though my physical body was still in the bed resisting usual urges prior to sleep to twitch or scratch I was able to maintain this state of being conscious yet in a dream type state. Slowly my consciousness floated and I felt a detach from my body, I felt motion as I was gradually rising understanding the way of the Eagle, to move it was simply jumping from rising current to rising current seamlessly as if I was surfing the sky.

As I flew the Eagle circled me changing forms as if initiating me, at one point she was a white headed eagle, the next a turkey vulture (john crow), the next as I knew her previously a golden Eagle informing me that she is the guardian of the East, as the Wolf is the Native American Guardian of the south he brought me to the present the Eagle brings me to the future I choose ,both bring energies throughout time to my present. It was then I heard HER name Tarak....

I felt a deep connection with her a sense of peace slowly I would fall from these currents and images would pop into my mind as if I was dreaming, then her gentle voice would urge me to hold onto my intention of being with her,  and I would return to that conscious dreaming state It was amazing, I could sense every change in my physical body yet I could physically feel all the movement as we soared through the sky together ...

eventually I thanked her and fell from this state into a deep sleep for which the dreams I cannot recall.

I remembered my experience with Tarak it was unforgettable I looked up the name and found it is a female sanskrit name which means Protector.

Now Since the beginning of my shamanic journey everywhere that I go I find bird feathers that I have kept, It is obvious to me now that Tarak was letting me know that she has always been watching over me and now those feathers mean so much more.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The East

The East - The Final Journey

Journey with the John Crow / Condor to the central sun in the galaxy, heading towards the light to find our original self,
I saw the bird transmuting a carcass, it looked at me and called out my Eagle power animal from within, both flew towards the central sun and there I saw my original self came from a star within the leo constellation, I was surprised as doing previous journeys I learned In a past life I was a nephilim but the Condor informed me that arcturians, lyrans all the star beings that human's are aware of now are not the first species to exist the universe is way older than humans assume, therefore even though I could recall myself before the human race I existed way before then, I saw that through time I would split from one incarnation in a life, to two, to three, and then to four I was instructed that this means I have 4 significant inidividuals in this lifetime, soul mates.

My second journey was to connect with my arch angels, The johncrow now was a Condor, and it transformed into a man , an indian in a condor ceremonial costume, he showed my my angels which were:
Kaliel - this one I'm not certain of so will check my book

My third journey required me to again journey to the johncrow/condor who would connect me with my ascended masters, now I already work with some ascended masters so the condor created two doors, one to represent the ascended masters that I already have and another for the one's that are completely new to me, form the door of masters that I already have Ghandi and Mithra stepped forward, from the door of new ascended masters sivananda yogananda stepped forward.

I then started a journey with my teacher on one of the trails at Hollywell Jamaica on the Blue mountains, our destination was the waterfall but we ended up going on a circular trail which led us under , above, and around several tree, even through some reminiscent of energy portals, we were cleansed in rain and after spirit lead us on this trail she lead us directly on the path to the waterfall.
It is here that we participated in the Death Rite, dying physically for 1min and experiencing the other side that we would be guiding souls to, the light.

After the Death rite we returned to a shelter and proceed to receive from our kuya's the new meanings of each stone starting from the south to the east and ending with our 13th stone gifted from the teacher.
Experiencing Death was rejuvinating, which is not an expected description of the end of a life, it was reminiscent of a video I saw on shellfish, it explained how when they had to grow they would leave one shell, there skin would harden creating a new one to fit their size and that would be the new shell they carried, we as man have drifted far from the hunter gatherer mentally, we find it hard to live off the land ever seeking to bring creature comforts from one area to the next, dying reminded me that all other than the soul itself is a fleeting experience to be cherished and enjoyed but also remember that it exists for a moment, don't not create too many meaningless attachment with the time we have in the physical.

My 13th stone represented my role as the guide to the light, \.

Friday, August 2, 2013

My Mountain of the North

I had an encounter with a fellow light walker C/Koran who interpreted some messages I received, he informed me that I would need to work on my physical body because I would soon be going on a journey or have an experience that though spiritual would draw on my physical strength.

Two weeks after while arranging for our Journey to the East to complete my Mesa Carrier Journey arrangements are being made to go to the blue mountains in Jamaica but it seems that they would not come to fruition, I decided to be open to what ever spirit desires of me and am informed that Kiwanis club of Eastern St. Andrew would be venturing on a Hikeathon to raise money for one of their causes, I was invited on this trip and decided this clearly was one of my initiations from the North into the East.

I have for this supposed 9 hour hike to the peak and back 3 oranges, 2 bottles of water and a staff that called out to me. We begin this hike and feel the pressure at what is known as Jacob's ladder the most steep part of the hike, the group pauses at Hagley Gap so we can rest for a minute or two and refill our water containers, while there I swore I heard the guide count to himself and say 4 people went on ahead of him. I venture out to meet these four people as I journey for the first hour or two I pass two ladies and from that point forward there was no one else that I perceived, being a first time in the dark not knowing what my destination even looked like I decided that upon sunrise If I had not seen the other two individuals or arrived at what felt like the peak I would return the way I came and assume I made a wrong turn on the trail.
As I walked in this lush moutain forest I could hear sounds that were unfamiliar to me and I decided to focus on my inner voice, with each step allowing divine guidance into my being, observing the fear and embracing it knowing each step, each sound, each feeling was a lesson I needed right then.
I eventually arrived at a shack covered in fog, at this point I should be freezing but I feel nothing physically, I take of my shirt soaked in sweat and sit here to meditate wondering what happened to the other two individuals, After 45 minutes of waiting the two girls and the guide join me in this cabin only to find that I was the first to the peak. The Guide showed me the path to the marker for the peak, a beautiful pyramid with a stone tablet in the centre which resonated with very high energy, standing there I felt complete, i reflected on the lessons of trust in spirit, in determination , in the fact that all of life is a lesson and we each have our mountains to climb ON OUR OWN, we will all find ourselves in situations with nothing beneath our feet but mother earth, and nothing to cover our head but father sky... It is then that we will truly understand who we are and the material of the cosmos ... If you listen to that inward voice.

I feel as if the two persons that I heard were ahead are my future (the cabin), and my becoming (the pyramid).. the meaning of which will be clear to the awakened and a mystery to the seekers of truth.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013



As a part of the North we are to perform a Despacho ceremony to our mountain, as mountains are seen as the place where man connects with Spirit/God (mount Olympus, sinai , fuji , shasta, machu picchu etc..).
A despacho is a gratitude ceremony and the shaman of the andes perform these ceremonies at any available opportunity for to them everyday they are grateful to be existing in such a high altitude for centuries, likewise they honor the 12 mountains that surrounded and protected them from the spaniards.
The despacho has several elements , it has items that represent the elements of nature along as offerings to mother earth and father sky, for example it is taught that mother earth likes sweets and chocolate.
There are many things I am grateful for so I had put alot of thought into the creation of my despacho, from family to experiences to my calling as a healer. All has been represented in the creation of my Despacho.
Despacho ceremonies are one way of entering the sacred relationship of Ayni (As I give so am I provided for) as by giving to spirit we open ourselves to receive, embracing the harmonic cycles of life.

Sunday, May 5, 2013



The path of the shaman is the path of the wounded healer, we overcome all obstacles and guide those we assist on the path to there becoming. I had a soul retrieval during my initiations which upon receiving that soul part It awakened my creativity and imagination but that was not the end of my journey with soul retrieval for here I am after completing the North and carrying others on journeys to retrieve there lost soul parts I find myself again in this familiar space gaining messages for myself.
In native cultures it is viewed that when one suffers from power loss ailments that we would consider now psychological along with patterns of suffering that the individual has lost a soul part. This is a defensive mechanism , when we are traumatized a part of our soul leaves to protect itself, and the issues escalates when we make contracts to feel safe which normally do not benefit us and actually repels the soul part we have lost.
These soul parts usually escape to the lower world and there with the guidance of our gatekeeper we search for lost soul parts, and they usually reside in a chamber of wounds this is where the scene is played out that caused the soul part to leave. After observing the scene and changing the energy to a positive one we observe the contracts we have made; from there we move to a chamber of gifts, grace and finally receive a power animal from the Lower World to assist with integrating this new soul part.

Now my most recent journey to the lower world as is mandatory in the North East I went specifically to see what contracts I was still subscribed to and I found a book titled abundance.
In this book I saw several chapters which I agree with suggesting that God made enough of everything for everyone and similar themes but I saw a chapter that had a different energy from everything else. This chapter stated that it is wrong to be abundant while others suffer.
I instantly saw that this chapter was limiting my manifestation capabilities because somewhere in my life I believed that message.
I decided to journey to my past life from the west journeys the life of no power and teach it to accept abundance and ayni the quechua word for reciprocity (As I give so am I provided for) and one of the sacred principles of the andes people.
I journeyed to the lower world and with the assistance of my gatekeeper I found the me of no power, a young man born into poverty that saw no way out of his current situation. I walked passed him and he did not recognise me at all, I could sense when he resented me ;for it seemed I could afford the finer things and he couldn't (little did he realise that we were one in the same). I turned back and asked him why he seemed so bitter, he looked at me as if to say "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING THAT" I told him that he was mean.
He was quick to show that he had nothing to give and if he did he would have, I pointed out that he was an able bodied young man and despite not being privileged he survived this harsh life for so long, receiving such a wonderful gift from spirit is much greater than any coin I could give you, yet you sit in this corner everyday and keep your blessings to yourself.
I asked him what would it be like if he shared this gift of life that he had, not desiring anything in return and gave thanks for having life. I could see that something had changed in him, he asked me what is Spirit and by the end of the day we realised he had a wonderful singing voice and was very creative.
I was able to see where he began ministering on the street drawing with the scraps he could find images of light and love in gratitude for his life, creating through song and sketches the world the way he thought it should be.
I thanked the gate keeper and returned to this space feeling refreshed and connected to the cycle of life (sacred reciprocity) understanding that we own nothing so we freely give, and likewise we should accept and allow others the opportunity to give ,also those who believe they have nothing to give need to be shown the light as my past life self had seen.
This experience felt so real I do wonder if I was to search a database for Biggar scotland from a time period close to what I saw, If there would be any records of a peasant boy that sang and sketched for a living....
Need less to say the North East is quite Interesting.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kuya's of the North

1st Stone Invisibility:

The first stone represents the real you, which has no body no physical form the constant observer , continually observing your emotions, your thoughts, and the emotions and thoughts of those around you. The original you never dies and is never seen the actions you choose to when in unison with source and your entire being reflect the core values of the true invisible you, As I learned in the West tracking it is possible for me to track the past lives of the invisible aspect of others, the soul.

2nd stone Mastery of Time -

Mastery of time is understanding the synchronicity, that the present is the past and the future, for the decisions made now you will reflect upon tomorrow as they will also create your tomorrow everything is manifested NOW. I had an experience recently that cemented this lesson, I remembered when I was about 6 or 8 and desired to help people, to accept my destiny and envisioned the man that would make me proud all of a sudden I felt as if all the experiences I had between that child's desire and the point I am at now didn't actually exist its a strange feeling as If I time travelled as that boy to the man that I am now, some experiences are best as just that experiences but it is a feeling I will never forget, a confirmation that , that young boy had time travelled had seen the future me which is the present and IS this present me now.
Mastery Of Time also teaches that for the original you there is no beginning and no end, the invisible you operates outside of time and see's all experiences as simply BEING, there are no attachments just experiences, what a wonderful thing to step outside of time.

3rd Stone The Secret You Keep From Yourself:

This was a very powerful lesson, for as I connected to the invisible me, and I stepped out of time, as I awakened to my connection to source/spirit and accepted that the past , present and future is now it was then that I realised IAM THAT I AM, I AM a part of the beginning and the End, I have always been and will always be, this connection to source is our connection to the all that IS. This was a true awakening as all enlightened souls upon the journey of self discovery realise this truth, this truth we keep from ourselves to embody an illusion that allows varied experiences, the truth that we are the makers and shapers of ourlives and we need to assume responsibility for everything that occurs.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Journey to the Archetypes 4: Eagle , Huascar ,Quetzacoatl ,Pachakuti Inca

In the Green Planet of my heart here I found both Condor and Eagle, upon arriving I was blessed with the majestic beauty of of the lushful green planet with beautiful green caves, lush meadows and grass along with beautiful trees. The eagle and Condor appeared and I asked what feeds you here, the Eagle and the Condor responded and it was interesting how they both had the same voice and were finishing each others sentence, They asked me if I could pick up that though the physical forms are different they were one, as different as your thumb is from your index finger yet they are apart of your hand and of you , they can never fault you while they allow themself to be controlled by source which in this situation is you likewise we (eagle/condor) are one connected by spirit speaking as spirit and you also are spirit there is no difference between you and I for beneath the flesh, skin and bones we are connected. What feeds us and your heart chakra is awareness of this connection that loving yourself includes all other manifestations of spirit around you.

Blue World Huascar
Eagle / Condor take me and carry me up into the blue world of Huascar the first of the upper chakras. This was a cold crystaline world with alot of caves and wind, it was cold but not a bother very interesting I asked Huascar what feeds this place and he replied that being the guide to the lower world the home of the power animals and th guide to our past what feeds this space is understanding our past lives and loving them, appreciating everything that has taken place for they allow us the freedom of the present the beautiful gifts of letting go.

Indigo World Quetzacoatl
Eagle/Condor took me further up to the Indigo World the beautiful home of the Winged Serpent Quetzacoatl , I had some issues before traveling to the middle world this space governed by The Feathered Serpent Quetzacoatl so I asked what feeds you , and please a little guidance this time.
He smiled and said that I am there now, startled I asked where and suddenly Quetzacoatl transformed into his human form and resembled the images of Christ energy, He explained that now I can see that Christ energy feeds this space the energy that allows you to see yourself and spirit in others this is awakens others to the christ energy within and so can establish a change within this middle world.

Purple World
Quetzacoatl took me to the purple world of the crown chakra where I met the keeper of the gate to the Upper World I asked pachakuti Inca what feeds this space, he explained that The Eagle/ Condor in the heart connects all the worlds above it, it is through the heart that we must appreciate our past and heal it, through the heart we must enjoy the present, through the heart that we can see what truly exist the christ energy that is in us all and finally for me it is through the heart that you connect to your becoming, to source to the version of yourself that has all chakras resonating at the highest frequency, filled with confidence love and splendor it is through embracing this consciousness that you feed this space your crown chakra, see the world as it really is interwoven and and all one, experiencing this grows and feeds this world.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Journey to the Archetypes 3:Humming bird

My previous 2 journeys were done at the beginning of my Messa Carrier though they are just being published now, It is interesting to see how the messages I received from these archetypes that I was not very familiar with still embodied there essence now that I have learned about them, today I complete my journeys and this post is about the humming bird Sequkente.
I journeyed through my luminous energy field to my internal galaxy and entered the yellow planet of Sequekente that resides in my Solar Plexus Chakra, It is here that I asked Sequekente what feeds her, what serves her, I realised first off that my humming bird was a HIM, and I must note that this world was majestic and filled with alot of trees and crystals all yellow, the only thing that stood out was this big humming bird, it was the size of a pidgeon but for a humming bird that was huge, It looked me in the eyes and I made mention that I noticed you communicated with my teacher and with my fellow practicioner what is your message for me, Sequekente responded with a question:
Why did you win the award  ? How did you win the award ? Why do whales travel such a long distance when the migrate ? how do they travel for such long distances ? How does the humming bird Journey from Canada to Brazil ?
I responded that I won the award because I did what I enjoyed doing, to be honest it was not tedious or a big task so don't see why it merited a reward , the humming bird responded "But you collected it anyway correct ? So I replied yes, The humming bird continued to explain that he travels this great distance every year because he is following the calling of his soul, and of spirit, so the whales and so did I and these journeys are never seen as extremely difficult as we understand that we are journeying for the journey not the destination, our aims are to enjoy the experience of following our calling, when you follow your individual calling you feed me, understand that I symbolise and assist with the journey I am not held up on the destination but be your true self and constantly awakening to spirit and her calling you will be called to mountains valleys and nations far and wide follow your passion, your heart your soul be aware that no teacher/guru/or shaman will walk this journey for you it is for you alone to do and embody your trueself on this quest.
Christ understood this and for this reason he asked his disciples to go preaching the gospel and bring no food nor clothing nor supplies with you, for the work that you do shall provide meat, and those worthy of your company shall give you accomodation, additionally what he did and more will you do also. This christ energy will re-emerge when you journey to Quetzacoatl .
Prepare for your epic journey.

Journey to the Arcehtypes 2:Jaguar

Journeying to the orange world of Otorongo I realised that I had not spent much time with this archetypal energy, bowed to the great jaguar as she walked around me and in circles then she walked towards me and looked me directly in the face, As I gazed into her eyes I felt this deep connection to her, it was as if she connected me to consciousness from my past, another life or time that we were extremely close. I asked her what lessons Do I have to learn from her, what is the energy that feeds this space
Otorongo asked me what do I know of her, I told her I have heard tales that she eats the dying sun, she mulches energy. Then she asked what DO I REALLY KNOW,
It was then I could hear within myself her voice explaining the energy of this space to me but she said nothing just gazed into my eyes.
I understood the symbolic association of Otorongo and the Sacral Chakra sometimes referred to as the stomach chakra. I saw images of otorongo eating animals even thoughts that did not serve the entire system, what we would describe as negative, but they felt like simply entities that had died or were dying and needed to be transmuted or recycled to better assist with the growing energy of my inner universe.
It came to my consciousness that my stomach breaks down food into two simple groups (which have their own sub groups) what is for the body, in terms of nutrients and the remaining waste to exit the body, but if I view my body as a part of pachamama a greater living entity then the waste that leaves my body is recycled by mother nature. Otorongo was doing the same for me, mulching away all fear based emotions that inhibit my growth and transmuting them into knowledge that would serve my development.
Otorongo clearly teaches the connection between man and the cycles of nature, and how to honor and respect both life, death, and beyond death for as the rabbit ate of the land when it dies it returns to the land so the rabbit exists beyond the vessel of the rabbit, I trust otorongo to also guide me to my existence beyond this plane.

Journey to the Archetypes 1:Serpent

As I prepare myself to be a proper traditional Munay-Ki Facilitator and Mentor, according to the Ancient Andean ways I decide to Journey to each of my chakras and commune with the archetype that resides there.

I allowed my consciousness to embody my Luminous Energy Field, my homo-luminous self and fell into my physical body and into my spiritual body, Working with my mentor I was familiar with falling into my heart light but this was new terrain for me.
When I fell into my spiritual body I noticed another universe that resides within me, this space had seven bright spiral portals of energy, it was reminiscent of the black holes I saw depicted on television only difference is that they were chakra colours.
I flew to the red portal which is my root chakra and in there met the great serpent sachamama.
I expressed to her my awe that this Universe existed within me, before this I was used to journeying to the Upper World , Middle World and lower world, never to my own worlds within me, IT was a very interesting experience, while there in this red universe with a giant serpent that I have seen before in so many other places (which I understood as omnipresent and multidimensional) She explained that she loved me, I smiled and asked what feeds you here, what Is the lesson you have to teach me today.

Sachamama told me that here in my root chakra is my basic of instincts, my primal energy for survival (I understood primal as in primary when she explained it to me meaning first and most important) she continued to explain that My will power comes from my root chakra and feeds this chakra also, My desire to live strengthens this red world and as such it is Sachamama's home, for to survive which is our first primal desire we must first love this physical life we have, our physical vessel the human body and love this earth, the serpent lays on the earth with every move is a tender embrace, so too must I understand what it is to walk softly on the earth, to love it , to embrace it , to Desire existence on this plane that is what roots us, so many before their time seek ascension and grandeur thoughts of leaving this realm to a higher plane that is there folly, the child that does not embrace the joys of childhood will be an inadequate adult for his basic desires as a child were never met. At the present Moment be conscious of your Will to exist here and now, express your gratitude to mother earth for protecting and providing for you that is the essence of your ROOTS.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dying In the West

Fearlessness, Certainty, Non-doing, Non-engagement

Today concluded the Journey of the West, we ventured up into a beautiful hideaway of a fellow messa carrier apprentice. We began by dying, a funny way to begin a days activities but I  could think of no better a place to allow an aspect of self to die. Dying in the west is similar to the dying of the physical body as the energy that dies is returned to source as they serve no more. We were instructed to search within ourselves for the aspect that should Die to us today, after searching myself I realised that what needed to die to me was the concept of Duality, the illusion that my experience is my own, or that spirit shines more in me than compared to those that are not on my current level of consciousness. After we each selected what would die today we were to find some items that represented this energy, create a bundle and offer it up in fire ceremony. I found an Acorn with pieces missing, looking at it I acknowledged that the pieces that were missing were still of the same Acorn they were not separate so I decided to put it into my bundle, the second Item that I saw was a leaf that was shaped like a Heart, I asked the plant if I could use it in ceremony and when I was taking it from the plant the leaf tore, I figured this was perfect as again it resembled the aspect of duality and separation that I was letting go of today.
We each after creating our bundle spoke on what we were letting go of, I explained that Duality still retains aspects of Ego, for we associate ourselves based on our understanding or level of consciousness and reject guidance from those that are not on our level or above, but if spirit can speak to us through a stone, an ant, or a hawk more so the man that has reasoning faculties like us all, how ashamed I felt at the realisation that though I knew in theory that we are not separate but due to our conditioning growing up we tend to automatically fall back into this view of I know, I am , We know, We are, not acknowledging spirit in each and everyone of us, I wanted to allow this aspect of myself to Die.
My fellow Apprentice desired to have that child within him Die, this child was gifted and did not receive due praise from family and loved ones for it so he grew up resenting others but today that energy of resentment and requiring others approval.
The shamanic mentor gave up the energy of limits, limiting ones self emotionally, physically and spiritually.
All that was dying today was shared amongst all participants there.
After creating the fire ceremony we noticed the Bundle of the Teacher caught in flames almost instantaneously he brought our attention to it so I decided to consciously focus on what I was letting go and speak about it, after talking about the dying of ego, of self righteousness I saw my bundle went in flames, my fellow apprentice blew upon his bundle and so all caught in flames and returned to creation.

The next step in the days journey was practicing extraction, extraction is a shamanic modality used to remove solid energy, another way to term it is crystalized energy that is not necessarily negative it simply doesn't serve you any more, it can have the form of an animal, a shape, a mythical being anything the mind can perceive, the practice is to track the energy of the client and when you have found the energy that serves no more remove it from there body and send it to the light, to creation.
The method I used was to track the individual's energy and confirm my findings by intuitively asking the client to visualise a statue and through the description of the statue and the energy around it I would confirm the form and area inwhich this dense energy was stuck in the client.
We were finally at the end of the day initiated as Daykeepers experiencing experiences beyond time itself .
Now as the west ends and I approach the North I will refelct upon:
Fearlessness- dying, extraction, tracking using the perceptual bodies entering into the shamanic seeing state
Certainty- Dying, change, chaos to order,Spirit
Non-Doing - Allowing spirit to take charge,
Non-engagement -Illumination , extraction, Dispacho 

Friday, February 22, 2013

Kuya's of the West

To connect with my Kuya's for the west I had to Journey into the middle world  and sat in front of a pond with my three kuya's, Black stone, Red stone and yellow stone.
The Black stone represented a life in which I had no power, I was caucasian living in the lower lands of Scotland, family was poor extremely poor and I saw myself begging for scraps, living on the streets and dying alone.
The Red stone represented a life in which I had power, and abused them, I was in Africa from a poor family but this version of myself did what ever was necessary to make a living, whether stealing, selling posion as herbs, selling my body, he had no love in his heart and did not know love, his main intention to get what he needed by whatever means even at the cost of his family, I saw myself enter that life as a child, grow through as a teenager and died in the early 30's by myself violently.
The Yellow Stone represented a life in which I had power and used it for good, I was in Lankshire Scotland growing up in a middle classed family, The difference is that this life I was proficient in spiritual knowledge and was emotionally stable, he was able to get a scholarship got to endinburgh finish his course as a doctor and went back to the humble commuity in which he grew up to take care of the community, I saw his death and he was surrounded by everyone in the community and honoured for the love he shared.
I threw all the stones into the pond to separate my identity from those lives, and accepted that during the time of no power that was an illusion I created, during the time of abusing power I used it for selfish means.
Finally appropriately using my powers with the yellow stone was using my gifts to benefit spirit.

I created Clay work to represent the 3 stones and 3 lives:
                                                   Black stone - life with no Power

Red Stone - Life with Power Abused

Yellow Stone - Life with Power Used For others

Thursday, February 21, 2013

the west 2 journey to otorongo

I am told by my mentor to bring 3 stones red, black and yellow these will be my kuyas for the West. We started with a journey to the lower world to learn about the loving relationship of nature. I close my eyes and move my consciousness down an ants nest through the earth and arrive in a cave, I exit the cave and I am in a lush forest Paradise. I venture down a trodden path and meet with huascar the inca guardian of the lower world he carried me up a river and tiger leaped out at us, he quickly struck the ground with his staff and froze the tiger in place explaining that this is how they are protective of their space but like this we can pass for now. I finally find otorongo who tells me to merge with her as she embarks on a hunt so I can experience the loving law of nature.
We spot an antelope alone far from the others we slowly sneak upon it and pounce from the brushes with one bite we end it's life consuming to our full of its flesh and rest afterwards. I when nature calls we had to a true dig near it and release the parts of the meal that do not serve us then we cover it. I when I separate from otorongo I leave with a realization of the loving cycle of nature. The antelope feeds off the grass the jaguar feeds of the antelope and the jaguar returns to the soil at death where it is again part of the grass, nature requires balance day and night, inhale and exhale life and death, too much death is just as bad as too much life for if there were only herbivores it would deplete vegetation and create imbalance thus the necessity of carnivores like wise too many carnivores would be chaotic as there would be too many predators and a very dangerous place to live. Man does not meat naturally which offends nature as we try to herd cattle which is not natural and comes from a feeling of lack not abundance as the jaguar thanks creator for providing each meal and worries, not if or when the next meal will be provided. Jaguar understands its role to ensure balance to take only what is necessary and allowed by nature trusting always in the abundance. I realised that because we do not hunt or kill the meat we consume we do not see the creator in each meal, the fortune in perfect timing, the gift of divine lighting and the blessings of untainted meat truly a gift from the creator. We must honour what we consume and understand we to will be consumed and eventually transmuted so is the law of nature.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The beginning of the West

I do my second illumination in the presence of my mentor guiding the participants through their river of life culminating in revelations of their healing needs and spiritual guidance in beginning their healing journey. After being introduced to the energy of the West and the archetype otorongo I am told to contemplate on the love the jaguar feels for the antelope as it takes its life. I am taught destiny tracking a shamanic technique that involves going into an altered state of consciousness This involves several physical preparations that expands your awareness then you attempt to read what is known as the perceptual states, and you ask the serpent to allow you to see signs from their physical body, and the jaguar to see the mythic / mind and emotions, the humming bird to see past or future lives of the soul and the eagle to encompass them all in your message from spirit. I had difficulties at first as my eyes would start to water when the visions were coming through so I left and continually practicing until I understood scientifically what was happening. During this time your eyes are fixed on the client/participant for so long with no change in focus or gaze that your mind stops receiving signals from your brain and starts sending so you begin to see prompting from your subconscious that to the trained mind tells a story of the client on all levels.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Shamanic Worlds

The Shaman believes that the "other Realm", or Spirit World comprises of 3 worlds , middle, lower (under), and upper world.

The middle world is used to solve situations here on this physical realm, lost or stolen items, or simply communicating with nature and the spirits that reside here.

Lower World, the home of power animals and guides, this realm is entered through first going into the earth either through a tree, an ants nest, any opening into the earth followed by a spirit guide allowing you passage into the lower realm to meet power animals and guardians.

I journeyed to the lower world to meet with the seprent healer, I went through an ants nest that appeared beside my sacred space at home through the centre of the earth reaching into a cave. There a Giant bird opened the door (swan or goose or something) allowing me passage into the Lower world.
It was filled with trees and a lush forest, I passed giant wolves, dinosaurs, cock roaches, lady bugs and then found the serpent who showed me my past lifes, showed me specifically all the wrong I had done,
I was a theif,
A rapist,
I lashed slaves for what I can't recall,
And the earliest memory is I was a nephilim an angel or sentient being.
I realised that my soul had taken these mortal forms and has been having these experiences to grow, from the depths of human desires closer and closer to the pinnacle of the human race, the serpent explained that is why in this life I had no great desires to do wrong for I had done it so many lives before. The serpent then wrapped itself around me and shed my skin and multiplied itself and entered into my body.
1. My left hand
2. My right hand
3. My left Leg
4. My right Leg.
5. Up my spine.

I was shinning with a bright light and then journeyed back the path I entered to return to the physical realm with the gift of the serpent.