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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Coney Kishibu Kati / Coney Full Moon

Coney Kati /  (Coney / Hutia Moon)

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This Full Moon will be on March 25th.

The Jamaican coney (Geocapromys brownii), also known as the Jamaican hutia and the Browns hutia, is a terrestrial land mammal found in the rocky, forested areas of Jamaica, and is endemic to the Island.

It is related to the hutias and more distantly to guinea pigs. It is the only extant native land mammal on Jamaica besides bats.

Jamaican hutias are almost exclusively nocturnal mammals. As night foragers, they feed on a large variety of food sources, including fruits, exposed roots, bark, and the foliage from many different plant species.[2]They have only been seen rarely in their wild state, and this has often led to the belief that they are extremely rare.

The Jamaican Coneys are monogamous. ... they breed throughout the year, but the majority of the young are born during the time of year when fruit is most plentiful between March and July.

Observations of captive specimens note that Jamaican hutias do not build their own nests. They have strong social interactions between related individuals, which can include mutual grooming, play, and soft vocalizations when not in physical contact which each other.

Spiritual Significance
The Medicine of the Coney speaks to family, commitment , determination , support of community , Clarity (as this is a mostly nocturnal animal ) teaching us to see into the dark and not lose sight of our goals.
The coney's can reproduce anytime like other mammals but consciously chooses to align its reproduction so the young will be born in a time of plenty and abundance.

This full moon is a time of awareness, clarity, determination and aligning yourself with the cycles for optimal harvest.
This moon speaks to being prepared.

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons of abundance.

2. It is best to find a space outdoors for you to ground with feet on the earth. get to a low stoop position that is comfortable (you can use a chair if you have knee problems) and visualise yourself connected to that coney medicine and burrowing a hole beneath your feet, deeper and deeper down , the deeper you go the more clarity you feel and receive, until you arrive at your burrow, your space.

3. In your own time awake and make a list of all the items you want to store in your burrow, all the intentions you have and things you seek from this season.

4. Ask the medicine of this moon to help you prepare for the coming season, to receive clarity and determination required to accomplish your goals.

5.When you feel in your heart it is time give them thanks for their guidance and the energy given to you. 

energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice.

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