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Friday, August 2, 2013

My Mountain of the North

I had an encounter with a fellow light walker C/Koran who interpreted some messages I received, he informed me that I would need to work on my physical body because I would soon be going on a journey or have an experience that though spiritual would draw on my physical strength.

Two weeks after while arranging for our Journey to the East to complete my Mesa Carrier Journey arrangements are being made to go to the blue mountains in Jamaica but it seems that they would not come to fruition, I decided to be open to what ever spirit desires of me and am informed that Kiwanis club of Eastern St. Andrew would be venturing on a Hikeathon to raise money for one of their causes, I was invited on this trip and decided this clearly was one of my initiations from the North into the East.

I have for this supposed 9 hour hike to the peak and back 3 oranges, 2 bottles of water and a staff that called out to me. We begin this hike and feel the pressure at what is known as Jacob's ladder the most steep part of the hike, the group pauses at Hagley Gap so we can rest for a minute or two and refill our water containers, while there I swore I heard the guide count to himself and say 4 people went on ahead of him. I venture out to meet these four people as I journey for the first hour or two I pass two ladies and from that point forward there was no one else that I perceived, being a first time in the dark not knowing what my destination even looked like I decided that upon sunrise If I had not seen the other two individuals or arrived at what felt like the peak I would return the way I came and assume I made a wrong turn on the trail.
As I walked in this lush moutain forest I could hear sounds that were unfamiliar to me and I decided to focus on my inner voice, with each step allowing divine guidance into my being, observing the fear and embracing it knowing each step, each sound, each feeling was a lesson I needed right then.
I eventually arrived at a shack covered in fog, at this point I should be freezing but I feel nothing physically, I take of my shirt soaked in sweat and sit here to meditate wondering what happened to the other two individuals, After 45 minutes of waiting the two girls and the guide join me in this cabin only to find that I was the first to the peak. The Guide showed me the path to the marker for the peak, a beautiful pyramid with a stone tablet in the centre which resonated with very high energy, standing there I felt complete, i reflected on the lessons of trust in spirit, in determination , in the fact that all of life is a lesson and we each have our mountains to climb ON OUR OWN, we will all find ourselves in situations with nothing beneath our feet but mother earth, and nothing to cover our head but father sky... It is then that we will truly understand who we are and the material of the cosmos ... If you listen to that inward voice.

I feel as if the two persons that I heard were ahead are my future (the cabin), and my becoming (the pyramid).. the meaning of which will be clear to the awakened and a mystery to the seekers of truth.

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