The path of the shaman is the path of the wounded healer, we overcome all obstacles and guide those we assist on the path to there becoming. I had a soul retrieval during my initiations which upon receiving that soul part It awakened my creativity and imagination but that was not the end of my journey with soul retrieval for here I am after completing the North and carrying others on journeys to retrieve there lost soul parts I find myself again in this familiar space gaining messages for myself.
In native cultures it is viewed that when one suffers from power loss ailments that we would consider now psychological along with patterns of suffering that the individual has lost a soul part. This is a defensive mechanism , when we are traumatized a part of our soul leaves to protect itself, and the issues escalates when we make contracts to feel safe which normally do not benefit us and actually repels the soul part we have lost.
These soul parts usually escape to the lower world and there with the guidance of our gatekeeper we search for lost soul parts, and they usually reside in a chamber of wounds this is where the scene is played out that caused the soul part to leave. After observing the scene and changing the energy to a positive one we observe the contracts we have made; from there we move to a chamber of gifts, grace and finally receive a power animal from the Lower World to assist with integrating this new soul part.
Now my most recent journey to the lower world as is mandatory in the North East I went specifically to see what contracts I was still subscribed to and I found a book titled abundance.
In this book I saw several chapters which I agree with suggesting that God made enough of everything for everyone and similar themes but I saw a chapter that had a different energy from everything else. This chapter stated that it is wrong to be abundant while others suffer.
I instantly saw that this chapter was limiting my manifestation capabilities because somewhere in my life I believed that message.
I decided to journey to my past life from the west journeys the life of no power and teach it to accept abundance and ayni the quechua word for reciprocity (As I give so am I provided for) and one of the sacred principles of the andes people.
I journeyed to the lower world and with the assistance of my gatekeeper I found the me of no power, a young man born into poverty that saw no way out of his current situation. I walked passed him and he did not recognise me at all, I could sense when he resented me ;for it seemed I could afford the finer things and he couldn't (little did he realise that we were one in the same). I turned back and asked him why he seemed so bitter, he looked at me as if to say "ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ASKING THAT" I told him that he was mean.
He was quick to show that he had nothing to give and if he did he would have, I pointed out that he was an able bodied young man and despite not being privileged he survived this harsh life for so long, receiving such a wonderful gift from spirit is much greater than any coin I could give you, yet you sit in this corner everyday and keep your blessings to yourself.
I asked him what would it be like if he shared this gift of life that he had, not desiring anything in return and gave thanks for having life. I could see that something had changed in him, he asked me what is Spirit and by the end of the day we realised he had a wonderful singing voice and was very creative.
I was able to see where he began ministering on the street drawing with the scraps he could find images of light and love in gratitude for his life, creating through song and sketches the world the way he thought it should be.
I thanked the gate keeper and returned to this space feeling refreshed and connected to the cycle of life (sacred reciprocity) understanding that we own nothing so we freely give, and likewise we should accept and allow others the opportunity to give ,also those who believe they have nothing to give need to be shown the light as my past life self had seen.
This experience felt so real I do wonder if I was to search a database for Biggar scotland from a time period close to what I saw, If there would be any records of a peasant boy that sang and sketched for a living....
Need less to say the North East is quite Interesting.
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