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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Contemplations of the Transcending Soul

I have traveresed the cosmos and for whatever reason that I cannot currently recall chose this life , this experience, these obstacles, these issues , these lessons.
As my consciousness awakens I experience a stellar paradigm shift that allows me to realise that there are endless possbilities within this current experience that I have chosen for myself.
So clearly this journey, I will call it R.M.A.P is infinite within a finite body.
It teaches me to accept my obstacles yet surpass them.
To love my enemies yet own that I deem them as enemies.
To play and enjoy life though I am here specifically to work.
The task of experiences is truly grand but allow me to share further contemplations of my soul.
As i transcend my previous views of life and love and morality, heading closer to views of immortality and destroying the notion of duality;
Am I to defend the weak, while having compassion for those who folly in ignorance?
What of those who folly consciously and seek to feed there ego instead of the good of all, am I to interfere with there experience for the greater good of all souls...?
If  I am to love all souls and heal those in need which would be those of a lower level of consciousness the willful dasterdly doers.. Is this love through compassion or tough love through fists..
Do I fight opressors ?
Do I learn from them ?
Do I enlighten them ?
If a man wrongs someone close to me do I attack or love the wrong doer...?
IF I am chastised for loving my enemies does that mean I have made the wrong choice and am being punished .. or the right choice and my reward is segragation like what befell the saints ?
As I ride this eleveator of consciousness and I acknowledge that with each new level I am awakened to the notion that my previous "Good deeds" could have been better ...

I take from this that the joy is the learning, the joy is the experiencing the joy is solving the most critical ,political ,scientifical , issues which are the knots in our own life.
I have come to accept that thought it takes time I will always learn the answer to all my queries and now even more so as I have learned to look within for answers.

 So this is who I currently am...

I am R.M.A.P a tool of the divine, a pen, a wand, a flute, a stone, a wheel, a thought, a joke.
I will write into the hearts of the unconscious and awaken them to the truth that they are children of the divine, and through their divinity all will be revealed that is guaranteed whether in this life or the next.
 I will leave a trail of magical feats that excite and awaken the inner child and allows relaxation from the mundane duties of day to day life.
I will create a song to enchant your lost soul, that will fill it with so much excitement it will return to your vessel if only to dance and rejoice.
I will show true beauty in being still, unmoved by activites around me confident and nestled in the healing energy of mother earth.
I will get plans moving and carry divine messages far distances to spaces and places that have never heard of divine pure love.
I will invoke in others as I have experienced a stellar pole shifting paradigm, inception was a cat walk...
I will show that of all Great spirits creations, the explosion we experience that is laughter may just be the joyous energy that created us all..
I close my eyes and I can easily envision the creator in the void desiring  to experience being the creator and thought up this great way for all the created to experience that joy of forgetting our divine self and remembering over time, It created a tickle in her stomach and as her lips cracked into a smile, her whole body started to vibrate, her heart swollen with gladness and from that love that joy that knowledge that we would lack no experience , God laughed and created the heavens and the earth the epitome of duality, both created at the same time but never touching, a part of the whole yet separate a constant reminder of our inner goal, to bridge duality like a rainbow is said to touch the sky and stem from the earth.

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