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Monday, December 31, 2012

Unifying Principles

This session Began with me getting a meditation from the Kumara - Galactic Shaman.

This was my first Multidimensional meditation,
I was in the upper world with Michael,
The lower world with the Wolf,
The lower World with a Hyena,
on an Arcturian light ship and still physically at Patrick.

The meditation had me fall into the divine heart through the sacred heart and become a torus, I became the heart, the centre of all the multidimensional versions of I.

To continue with my Mesa Carrier I had to do 3 journeys to Sachamama
1. To reveal my healing unifying Principle
2. My unifying principle of Holding
3. My Unifying principle of nurturing.

1. I journed to Sachamama in the Lower World and asked her the question, she replied
Your Unifying Principle is You are aware that you are not the healer, that you were not born into this world but of it. If you empty yourself you can be used by the universe for healing, as our body is built to heal itself so is our universe, conscious beings are the healers of the universe , the good stewards christ spoke of, the light bearers.

2. I was asked to find the unifying principle of holding, What am I holding in Ayni ?, what am I holding that is many ?, what is my Unifying Principle of Holding .?

I journed again to the lower world to find Sachamama,this time as I saw her she swallowed me, I asked what is GOING ON , she then asked me "What am I holding", so I replied ME..., she said again "What am I holding ? " I replied MY POWER...., she replied " Yes and No, your conecept of power is what you lost, you hold true power, and with it respect, responsibility and honour to all beings, share your power that is Knowledge.

3. I was asked to How do we learn to surrender, How do we learn to walk softly, what is the unifying principle of nurturing ?

On this my final journey to Sachamama for the day when I arrived she wrapped her self around me and used her body to push me in the air so we were face to face, she looked into my eyes and told me to receive the answers I seek I must seek a serpents egg from within the woods to the south. (Here we go again, why sachamama so hard today.. any how) . I found this huge egg not too far away and it was quite heavy so I had to take my time walking with it back to Sachamama, on the way I caught the attention of this large reptile that seemed to be interested in the Egg, without further delay I ran as fast as I could with the Egg and hid within a hollow tree. While in the tree I could sense when the reptile went away and lost interest, as I walked back to Sacha mama she asked me what is the unifying principle of nurturing.
I replied that we are all ONE, the fear was mine not the fear of the egg, I could have left the egg at any point but I didn't, without thinking I knew subconsciously that the reptile was going to hurt me, and if It had gotten the Egg it would have, I realise that when we experience our oneness with each other, with nature and all that is It resonates on a deeper level and draws the divine maternal instinct out of our essence, we all are divine masculine and feminie, and my Unifying principle of nurturing is that we are all One, as within so Without.

Monday, December 24, 2012

The NEW Age Shaman Day 1

The New Age Shaman

Today I started my messa carrier Sunday December 23rd , 1 day after the december 21,2012 New age of aqaurius.
At 4:30 I arrive at my shamanic teacher I notice that today is one of those rare days inwhich the sun and moon were in the sky at the same time while I was there symbolising to me that today my messa carrier initiation would be the mark of something extraordinary for our planet, as such I decided to document my entire messa carrier journey.

my teacher Informed me that I was now to impart on the journey of the Laika, the shamanic descendants of the inca, wisdom keepers of our planet.

I was told to bring 3 stones (k'uyas) to put into my messa, these stones would represent as follows:
1. Sachamama -The serpent from the direction of the south, the sachamama had a message for me so I should walk with her and find that message. The stone I had for Sachamama was a Black stone that was metallic for my magnet stuck to it.

In my journey to speak with Sachamama I saw a green gas floating , then it materialised into a Gigantic snake infront of me. I was filled with fear but I knew I had to press On.
She told me that I had all right to fear her, she can heal and she can also take life, she can remove toxins and negative energy but also inject deadly venom. She told me that she has taken lives of men too many to count, she ensures that the earth was protected and that she was respected, Like any vessel waste cannot be allowed to remain so it has been her task on several occassion to cleanse the earth. She also explained that she is not a pack animal her closest companion is the earth itself and as seasons change so does she shed her skin, I am to learn to trust in myself as she does and accept change, correct instigate constant change and evolution within myself always letting go of what does not serve me and embracing my pure desires.

following this I was asked to return to my teacher and share the message I received.
I was told this message symbolised that my past self was filled with fear and My lesson is to let go and trust myself.

2. Raphael- The arch angel Raphael from the direction of the south had a message for me also.
My stone for Raphael was actually a Rock that had several different colours in it and was quite heavy.
In my journey to speak with Raphael I was meditating in a tree and he flew down and picked me up, he told me to relax that I was safe with him.
He allowed me to feel the weight of his sword and shield and told me that like his armour so is the weight of my intentions, desires and actions as a messa carrier my intentions are manifested into the world and I should be ever aware of that, he explained that thought it may seem that he and sachamama are different the intention is the same and that is what matters for he wanted me to know that the weight of my Raphael stone is a constant reminder of the responsibility and power I now carry and as a healer I must always be in a space of pure intent, he will tug on my heart to remind me if ever I forget for it is better to sit out a healing session with someone than to do it without 100% intent , He also shared that he is not a solitary Angel there are others and likewise I am not alone, to trust in myself also means to know when to ask for help.

As with Sachamama I again returned to my teacher and shared the message, he replied that we are vessels and to heal we must empty ourself it is not us who do the healing we are a tool of the divine.

3.The Galactic Serpent or the Unicorn - I was told to find one of these galactic beings.
The stone I had was a rare stone shaped like a Triangle.
I closed my eyes, left my physical body and was in my luminous body and went to a room out in the universe. I heard a deep voice ask "ENTER" I said to myself "this doesn't sound like a unicorn".
Swirling in the sky was this gigantic serpent reminded me of a dragon, it said:
GS:Why are you here
me: To learn from you
GS: Are you not afraid
me: Wisdom is not to be feared
GS: WIse response
I will share with you for your soul has been here many times before.
This is not your first messa carrier, the last time you were a shaman you were unable to stop a horrible event and felt disheartened by it but now with this new energy you are much stronger than you were before and are here in a time of great change.
Each of the Cardinal directions S,W,N,E has 3 stones, the stones are symbolic of your light, your current carnation or vessel and your shadow.
Which stone was your shadow?
me: It would be Raphael, as he informed me to be conscious of the the responsibility I have to bear, iressponsibility would have been a trait of my shadow.
GS: Correct
me: That leaves Sachamama to be my light, as she told me to trust myself that has to be my light my pure intent.
GS: Again Correct
My message to you is that you have to learn to be hot and cold, left and right, up and down, high and low, YOU ROBERT, not any of your ascended sleves you the mortal vessel Robert.
Me: huh.. Why ?
GS: Have you forgotten your divine Essence, you are the bridge, you are here to carry left brained individuals (analytical) on right brained experiences (artisitic and creative) so you are to translate these experiences and the science behind them, lead others onto the journey that you have had so far. As a bridge connects to separate pieces of land so you must connect to separate trains of thought, only then can a true utopia of inclusive light workers be created.

Following the reporting of this last message to my teacher he folded my stones into my messa cloth and we sat down to have an ancient Laika fire ceremony.
We sang the song and everything
Even made an offering in tangerine skin to the ancients,
The evening ended with learning a healing technique to balance feminie and masculine aspects of an individual using the messa.
I was told that from this day forth I had to live what I learned from my guardians in the South, and be cognisant of the presence in my messa.
Secondly that on saturday I am to open my messa as there would be a universal party and my stones were to attend and I should ask them about the experience on Sunday.

Thus ended my First Day

Gratitude to Yenga Alpumero of for guidance through this journey.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Contemplations of the Transcending Soul

I have traveresed the cosmos and for whatever reason that I cannot currently recall chose this life , this experience, these obstacles, these issues , these lessons.
As my consciousness awakens I experience a stellar paradigm shift that allows me to realise that there are endless possbilities within this current experience that I have chosen for myself.
So clearly this journey, I will call it R.M.A.P is infinite within a finite body.
It teaches me to accept my obstacles yet surpass them.
To love my enemies yet own that I deem them as enemies.
To play and enjoy life though I am here specifically to work.
The task of experiences is truly grand but allow me to share further contemplations of my soul.
As i transcend my previous views of life and love and morality, heading closer to views of immortality and destroying the notion of duality;
Am I to defend the weak, while having compassion for those who folly in ignorance?
What of those who folly consciously and seek to feed there ego instead of the good of all, am I to interfere with there experience for the greater good of all souls...?
If  I am to love all souls and heal those in need which would be those of a lower level of consciousness the willful dasterdly doers.. Is this love through compassion or tough love through fists..
Do I fight opressors ?
Do I learn from them ?
Do I enlighten them ?
If a man wrongs someone close to me do I attack or love the wrong doer...?
IF I am chastised for loving my enemies does that mean I have made the wrong choice and am being punished .. or the right choice and my reward is segragation like what befell the saints ?
As I ride this eleveator of consciousness and I acknowledge that with each new level I am awakened to the notion that my previous "Good deeds" could have been better ...

I take from this that the joy is the learning, the joy is the experiencing the joy is solving the most critical ,political ,scientifical , issues which are the knots in our own life.
I have come to accept that thought it takes time I will always learn the answer to all my queries and now even more so as I have learned to look within for answers.

 So this is who I currently am...

I am R.M.A.P a tool of the divine, a pen, a wand, a flute, a stone, a wheel, a thought, a joke.
I will write into the hearts of the unconscious and awaken them to the truth that they are children of the divine, and through their divinity all will be revealed that is guaranteed whether in this life or the next.
 I will leave a trail of magical feats that excite and awaken the inner child and allows relaxation from the mundane duties of day to day life.
I will create a song to enchant your lost soul, that will fill it with so much excitement it will return to your vessel if only to dance and rejoice.
I will show true beauty in being still, unmoved by activites around me confident and nestled in the healing energy of mother earth.
I will get plans moving and carry divine messages far distances to spaces and places that have never heard of divine pure love.
I will invoke in others as I have experienced a stellar pole shifting paradigm, inception was a cat walk...
I will show that of all Great spirits creations, the explosion we experience that is laughter may just be the joyous energy that created us all..
I close my eyes and I can easily envision the creator in the void desiring  to experience being the creator and thought up this great way for all the created to experience that joy of forgetting our divine self and remembering over time, It created a tickle in her stomach and as her lips cracked into a smile, her whole body started to vibrate, her heart swollen with gladness and from that love that joy that knowledge that we would lack no experience , God laughed and created the heavens and the earth the epitome of duality, both created at the same time but never touching, a part of the whole yet separate a constant reminder of our inner goal, to bridge duality like a rainbow is said to touch the sky and stem from the earth.