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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kuya's of the North

1st Stone Invisibility:

The first stone represents the real you, which has no body no physical form the constant observer , continually observing your emotions, your thoughts, and the emotions and thoughts of those around you. The original you never dies and is never seen the actions you choose to when in unison with source and your entire being reflect the core values of the true invisible you, As I learned in the West tracking it is possible for me to track the past lives of the invisible aspect of others, the soul.

2nd stone Mastery of Time -

Mastery of time is understanding the synchronicity, that the present is the past and the future, for the decisions made now you will reflect upon tomorrow as they will also create your tomorrow everything is manifested NOW. I had an experience recently that cemented this lesson, I remembered when I was about 6 or 8 and desired to help people, to accept my destiny and envisioned the man that would make me proud all of a sudden I felt as if all the experiences I had between that child's desire and the point I am at now didn't actually exist its a strange feeling as If I time travelled as that boy to the man that I am now, some experiences are best as just that experiences but it is a feeling I will never forget, a confirmation that , that young boy had time travelled had seen the future me which is the present and IS this present me now.
Mastery Of Time also teaches that for the original you there is no beginning and no end, the invisible you operates outside of time and see's all experiences as simply BEING, there are no attachments just experiences, what a wonderful thing to step outside of time.

3rd Stone The Secret You Keep From Yourself:

This was a very powerful lesson, for as I connected to the invisible me, and I stepped out of time, as I awakened to my connection to source/spirit and accepted that the past , present and future is now it was then that I realised IAM THAT I AM, I AM a part of the beginning and the End, I have always been and will always be, this connection to source is our connection to the all that IS. This was a true awakening as all enlightened souls upon the journey of self discovery realise this truth, this truth we keep from ourselves to embody an illusion that allows varied experiences, the truth that we are the makers and shapers of ourlives and we need to assume responsibility for everything that occurs.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Journey to the Archetypes 4: Eagle , Huascar ,Quetzacoatl ,Pachakuti Inca

In the Green Planet of my heart here I found both Condor and Eagle, upon arriving I was blessed with the majestic beauty of of the lushful green planet with beautiful green caves, lush meadows and grass along with beautiful trees. The eagle and Condor appeared and I asked what feeds you here, the Eagle and the Condor responded and it was interesting how they both had the same voice and were finishing each others sentence, They asked me if I could pick up that though the physical forms are different they were one, as different as your thumb is from your index finger yet they are apart of your hand and of you , they can never fault you while they allow themself to be controlled by source which in this situation is you likewise we (eagle/condor) are one connected by spirit speaking as spirit and you also are spirit there is no difference between you and I for beneath the flesh, skin and bones we are connected. What feeds us and your heart chakra is awareness of this connection that loving yourself includes all other manifestations of spirit around you.

Blue World Huascar
Eagle / Condor take me and carry me up into the blue world of Huascar the first of the upper chakras. This was a cold crystaline world with alot of caves and wind, it was cold but not a bother very interesting I asked Huascar what feeds this place and he replied that being the guide to the lower world the home of the power animals and th guide to our past what feeds this space is understanding our past lives and loving them, appreciating everything that has taken place for they allow us the freedom of the present the beautiful gifts of letting go.

Indigo World Quetzacoatl
Eagle/Condor took me further up to the Indigo World the beautiful home of the Winged Serpent Quetzacoatl , I had some issues before traveling to the middle world this space governed by The Feathered Serpent Quetzacoatl so I asked what feeds you , and please a little guidance this time.
He smiled and said that I am there now, startled I asked where and suddenly Quetzacoatl transformed into his human form and resembled the images of Christ energy, He explained that now I can see that Christ energy feeds this space the energy that allows you to see yourself and spirit in others this is awakens others to the christ energy within and so can establish a change within this middle world.

Purple World
Quetzacoatl took me to the purple world of the crown chakra where I met the keeper of the gate to the Upper World I asked pachakuti Inca what feeds this space, he explained that The Eagle/ Condor in the heart connects all the worlds above it, it is through the heart that we must appreciate our past and heal it, through the heart we must enjoy the present, through the heart that we can see what truly exist the christ energy that is in us all and finally for me it is through the heart that you connect to your becoming, to source to the version of yourself that has all chakras resonating at the highest frequency, filled with confidence love and splendor it is through embracing this consciousness that you feed this space your crown chakra, see the world as it really is interwoven and and all one, experiencing this grows and feeds this world.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Journey to the Archetypes 3:Humming bird

My previous 2 journeys were done at the beginning of my Messa Carrier though they are just being published now, It is interesting to see how the messages I received from these archetypes that I was not very familiar with still embodied there essence now that I have learned about them, today I complete my journeys and this post is about the humming bird Sequkente.
I journeyed through my luminous energy field to my internal galaxy and entered the yellow planet of Sequekente that resides in my Solar Plexus Chakra, It is here that I asked Sequekente what feeds her, what serves her, I realised first off that my humming bird was a HIM, and I must note that this world was majestic and filled with alot of trees and crystals all yellow, the only thing that stood out was this big humming bird, it was the size of a pidgeon but for a humming bird that was huge, It looked me in the eyes and I made mention that I noticed you communicated with my teacher and with my fellow practicioner what is your message for me, Sequekente responded with a question:
Why did you win the award  ? How did you win the award ? Why do whales travel such a long distance when the migrate ? how do they travel for such long distances ? How does the humming bird Journey from Canada to Brazil ?
I responded that I won the award because I did what I enjoyed doing, to be honest it was not tedious or a big task so don't see why it merited a reward , the humming bird responded "But you collected it anyway correct ? So I replied yes, The humming bird continued to explain that he travels this great distance every year because he is following the calling of his soul, and of spirit, so the whales and so did I and these journeys are never seen as extremely difficult as we understand that we are journeying for the journey not the destination, our aims are to enjoy the experience of following our calling, when you follow your individual calling you feed me, understand that I symbolise and assist with the journey I am not held up on the destination but be your true self and constantly awakening to spirit and her calling you will be called to mountains valleys and nations far and wide follow your passion, your heart your soul be aware that no teacher/guru/or shaman will walk this journey for you it is for you alone to do and embody your trueself on this quest.
Christ understood this and for this reason he asked his disciples to go preaching the gospel and bring no food nor clothing nor supplies with you, for the work that you do shall provide meat, and those worthy of your company shall give you accomodation, additionally what he did and more will you do also. This christ energy will re-emerge when you journey to Quetzacoatl .
Prepare for your epic journey.

Journey to the Arcehtypes 2:Jaguar

Journeying to the orange world of Otorongo I realised that I had not spent much time with this archetypal energy, bowed to the great jaguar as she walked around me and in circles then she walked towards me and looked me directly in the face, As I gazed into her eyes I felt this deep connection to her, it was as if she connected me to consciousness from my past, another life or time that we were extremely close. I asked her what lessons Do I have to learn from her, what is the energy that feeds this space
Otorongo asked me what do I know of her, I told her I have heard tales that she eats the dying sun, she mulches energy. Then she asked what DO I REALLY KNOW,
It was then I could hear within myself her voice explaining the energy of this space to me but she said nothing just gazed into my eyes.
I understood the symbolic association of Otorongo and the Sacral Chakra sometimes referred to as the stomach chakra. I saw images of otorongo eating animals even thoughts that did not serve the entire system, what we would describe as negative, but they felt like simply entities that had died or were dying and needed to be transmuted or recycled to better assist with the growing energy of my inner universe.
It came to my consciousness that my stomach breaks down food into two simple groups (which have their own sub groups) what is for the body, in terms of nutrients and the remaining waste to exit the body, but if I view my body as a part of pachamama a greater living entity then the waste that leaves my body is recycled by mother nature. Otorongo was doing the same for me, mulching away all fear based emotions that inhibit my growth and transmuting them into knowledge that would serve my development.
Otorongo clearly teaches the connection between man and the cycles of nature, and how to honor and respect both life, death, and beyond death for as the rabbit ate of the land when it dies it returns to the land so the rabbit exists beyond the vessel of the rabbit, I trust otorongo to also guide me to my existence beyond this plane.

Journey to the Archetypes 1:Serpent

As I prepare myself to be a proper traditional Munay-Ki Facilitator and Mentor, according to the Ancient Andean ways I decide to Journey to each of my chakras and commune with the archetype that resides there.

I allowed my consciousness to embody my Luminous Energy Field, my homo-luminous self and fell into my physical body and into my spiritual body, Working with my mentor I was familiar with falling into my heart light but this was new terrain for me.
When I fell into my spiritual body I noticed another universe that resides within me, this space had seven bright spiral portals of energy, it was reminiscent of the black holes I saw depicted on television only difference is that they were chakra colours.
I flew to the red portal which is my root chakra and in there met the great serpent sachamama.
I expressed to her my awe that this Universe existed within me, before this I was used to journeying to the Upper World , Middle World and lower world, never to my own worlds within me, IT was a very interesting experience, while there in this red universe with a giant serpent that I have seen before in so many other places (which I understood as omnipresent and multidimensional) She explained that she loved me, I smiled and asked what feeds you here, what Is the lesson you have to teach me today.

Sachamama told me that here in my root chakra is my basic of instincts, my primal energy for survival (I understood primal as in primary when she explained it to me meaning first and most important) she continued to explain that My will power comes from my root chakra and feeds this chakra also, My desire to live strengthens this red world and as such it is Sachamama's home, for to survive which is our first primal desire we must first love this physical life we have, our physical vessel the human body and love this earth, the serpent lays on the earth with every move is a tender embrace, so too must I understand what it is to walk softly on the earth, to love it , to embrace it , to Desire existence on this plane that is what roots us, so many before their time seek ascension and grandeur thoughts of leaving this realm to a higher plane that is there folly, the child that does not embrace the joys of childhood will be an inadequate adult for his basic desires as a child were never met. At the present Moment be conscious of your Will to exist here and now, express your gratitude to mother earth for protecting and providing for you that is the essence of your ROOTS.