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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December Full Cold Moon Ceremony

Full Cold Moon December 22, 2018
The coming Full Moon is extra special to me as it is the Last Full moon of  the year .
This moon is called the Cold moon which leads us towards self reflection, bringing the previous year to conclusion and balancing our energy,
What have we been neglecting ?
What goals did we miss ?
How can we better our energy for the New Month and NEW Year ?

I invite you to do the exercise from .

Upon creating your list of intentions visualise your year in review, honestly give Spirit THANKS for all you have met, all you have lost, how you have grown, every experience ...
Then with that gratitude emanating throughout your being close your eyes and visualise the special events you desire for 2019, the HIGHLIGHT reel.
Following this burn your intentions and say a little prayer thanking spirit for this wonderful occassion.
Be certain of your intentions when releasing these ashes outdoors to the wind, conscious that your desires have been communicated to the heavens.
The universe has a gift with your name on it, simply wait until it is time for you to receive and open in the physical realm.
You will know when :)

Love and light to you all.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice.

Friday, December 7, 2018

New Moon in Sagittarius

To prepare for the Full Cold Moon below is the guidance received :

Inline image 1

The Sagittarius New Moon is today Dec 7th.  The days grow short and dark for many of us, so it's a cosmic sync that the inner light is stoked. 
The enspiriting themes of Sagittarius are freedom, highest aspiration, wisdom, questing, travel, enlightened minds, kindred spirits, friend to all, gregarious friendships and togetherness (without being stifling.)
It's time to seek out an inspired vision, one that is ignited by others also catching fire with ideas and enthusiasm. You become part of something bigger than yourself, while also sensing your unique mission, gifts to share.
Sagittarius is about fusion without necessarily knowing how it happens. Dots get connected, and what you're aware of fuses into a focused intention. And it's about being loyal to your own sense of what's true.  You won't want to miss anything the muse and spirit send your way!
from Molly Hall Astrology Expert

Each moon, has a vibration has an energy as we would not seek to plant crops requiring heat in the cold season, so too do not desire to act out of alignment with nature.

The cold moon speaks towards our desire and intentions, it speaks towards going within to grow your imagination and visualisation, from now we create the vibrations for the new year. 
The bear goes within to Hibernate, so too until the full moon reflect on your year, what serves you no more as a desire ... a thought... a relationship that requires release ?
What feeds your soul and your passion ... ?
What has brought you great joy from source that is unconditional and dependent on no other variable than self ?

In the darkness of the moon practice the exercise below :

Open Sacred Space, this is a practice of praying and setting the mood and tone of one that is accepting to the Creator to enter your space throughout the process of your practice.

I recommend using a candle  and for 10 mins staring at the flame, with each inhale feel the light within you grow, and with each exhale the fog in your mind is removed, continue this practice repeating each line until you find your answer your way , your path (when your eyes get watery or tired close them and hold the after image of the flame in your minds eye ).

fill the gap in the following sentences on a sheet of paper .

I _______ will Empower myself with ____________..
I _______ will attract meaningful relationships with ___________.
I _______ will increase my health with ________________.
I _______ will increase my abundance by _____________.

example ; I Robert will empower myself with my mantras.
               I Robert will attract meaningful relationships with my joy and pleasant demeanor.
               I Robert will increase my health with daily practice of  meditation.
               I Robert will increase my abundance by living in Grace.

Visualise each of these events, visualise your practice for the upcoming year from now each day until the full moon.
(Keep this paper in a safe place on the full moon the ceremony will involve burning this sheet).

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

Monday, November 19, 2018

November Full Beaver Moon Ceremony

The November Full Moon falls on the 24th and is one of the brightest and boldest Full moons r.

All of this energy is now coming to a head as we wrap up the end of the year, and we may be feeling a sense of renewal or rebirth creeping in. We may be feeling the merits of our hard work finally paying off.

The Universe will also bring more clarity our way with the November Full Moon on the 23rd-24th in the sign of Gemini.

This Full Moon is going to help bring some clarity to the direction of our lives and will help us to understand a newfound truth about what direction we should be heading in.

The Gemini Full Moon of November falls at zero degrees Gemini. In numerology, zero represents all possibilities and infinite creative potential. It is the point before the beginning and represents the creative process we take before the idea comes to us.

Zero is the blank canvas before we have decided what it will be, and this is the energy that November’s Full Moon will encompass. In many ways, this Full Moon represents the potential of who we have become and what possibilities lay before us as we wrap up this year and prepare to start a new one.

There is strong illumination energy around this Full Moon too, and it’s likely some new truths are going to come to the surface. These truths may be painful, or they may be hard to swallow at first, but it is necessary for them to be revealed to us now.

These new truths may require us to release and let go of things we once believed to be true, they may also require us to pivot and change our direction.

There may be challenges that arise with this as there are some tense and harsh aspects around this Full Moon, but if you trust what unfolds and keep steady in your heart, you will be guided forward.
Full Beaver Moon – This was the time to set beaver traps before the swamps froze, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. Another interpretation suggests that the name Full Beaver Moon comes from the fact that the beavers are now actively preparing for winter. It is sometimes also referred to as the Frosty Moon.

Beavers are ingenious builders, orchestrating megalith dams that can change the flowing course of entire rivers. This impressive aspect along with its association with water makes the beaver an analogy for building up our dreams.
In essence, the beaver tells us to believe in our dreams as if they were real. Build on them as if the dream is your reality. Change the course of your life flow by structuring your life with a goal to coax your dreams into your physical reality.
Animal symbolism of the beaver deals with building our lives up around our dreams.
from by Avia Venefica

Beaver medicine - Beaver's medicine brings you the wisdom of creativity, maintaining the ability to be productive in all ways by not limiting your options, being persistent, using available resources, finding and using alternate ways of doing tasks, master builder of all things, not damming the flow of experiences in life, achievement through completion of tasks, understanding the dynamics of group work, protecting, cooperation, fertility and new promise.
By Ina Woolcott

The energy from this full moon is that of Beaver medicine, assisting us with building  and manifesting our desires in the physical, especially to carry us through the cold seasons.

Full Beavers Moon Ceremony

1OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.ITEMS REQUIRED Pen, and sheet of paper. 

under the light of the full moon focus on your breath, notice your inhale and exhale, really feel the oxygen as it enters your nostrils from the plant kind, notice the carbondioxide as it exits your nostrils to the plant kind. Reflect on the fact that you are connected with the plants and everything else around you, so too with your connection to this celestial event.
With your eyes closed feeling your connection with all around you place your hands on below your navel, take a deep inhale counting to 7, hold to the count of 7, then with your exhale release all the stored energy in this space below your navel , this area of your body by the Quechua of peru connects to your earth band, energy that does not serve you from this space when consciously released returns to the earth as compost.
Do the same breathing exercise for the other 4 bands of power :
water located at your navel
 fire at your heart,
air at your throat,
pure light at your forehead and crown.
After releasing all the energy that does not serve you to the forces of nature we are prepared to fill these gaps with renewed energy that feeds our soul and builds towards the manifestation of our desires.

Connecting with the Beaver medicine of this moon, write what you desire to manifest in your life connected to the headings below ( Beaver medicine is practical medicine so write how you CAN achieve these desires and ground these energies in your life, until the next new moon reflect on this list and write any additional insights received that will aid with manifesting your desire, as beavers have many routes to there dams):

After writing place your paper before your heart and repeat the following words "As above so below, as within so with out, shine through me Beaver medicine, teach me your ways, lend me your wisdom , Come, Come, COME..
If you practiced the New Moon in Scorpio Ceremony at this point it is recommended to burn your paper from that practice and blow the ashes outdoors

6.GRATITUDE Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy towards the release of your desires for the betterment of yourself and all you meet. May the energy released with the Full Moon blossom in your life for all to see and share in this wondrous glory.

 thanking the energy you called forward and asking that your desires are manifested for your benefit and for the benefit of all you meet.
Keep t your intention paper with you and whenever new insight approaches or you notice a block with your previous plan of action amend your path on your list forever working towards your desire.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after Full moon so you have time to practice.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Hear the Call

Image may contain: 4 people, people standing and outdoorThey were lost and came to us seeking help, They saw us in our nakedness, our innocence connected to the earth and all around us. We the Islanders knew not of Sin, they offered to save us from this Sin and told us to practice 10 laws, laws that were already our way of life.. we thought they were earthkeepers like us.
Then they broke their own laws and took our sacred ways from our children, cut their hair and covered 
their beauty.

Image may contain: 3 people, tree and outdoorIf we had heard the stories of their earth that was made in 7 days, of the serpent that told them to eat from a tree that resulted in them covering their nakedness.

We would have known they were the serpent and the fruit was their lies.
We would have known not to trust the white man in clothes, separated from the rays of the sun and the soil of mother earth.
We would have known to guard with our lives our ways, stories and customs.
In 1492 The serpent came to our island spreading lies after they were forced from their eden.
They told our children their stories and songs are evil ...
They told our children they were not from the Islands...
They told our children they were born with sin...
But we the Ancestors are here with you and within you...
We never left ..
Daka Yamaye Taino !!!!

Monday, November 5, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio Ceremony

We will be experiencing the New Moon in Scorpio on November 7th.

The most striking and easily recognized of the summer constellations, Scorpio begins to be noticed in the evening sky by mid-spring.
Scorpio is the time of year when autumn has reached its darkest, deepest dormancy. We journey to the underworld at this time. In this journey we face the demons of our dark inner world hidden within our psyches. From making the journey, staying with the quest of self-discovery and eventually, mastery, comes the transformational aspect of Scorpio. But first the depths of the murky, muddy waters must be fully explored and understood.
The issues of sex, death and rebirth are a recurring theme for the Scorpion frequency. The many mundane experiences of these three play themselves out over and over again in human experience until, ultimately, the final death is achieved ... the death of the personality, with all of its attendant selfish concerns and desires, now raised and transmuted into selfless attainment of higher consciousness.
The glyph of Scorpio has been seen by some to be representative of the kundalini force. This vital life force spirals up the spine, serpent like, to the third eye, balancing the dualities of personality with the unity of consciousness.
Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being. The tests of Scorpio are necessarily three in nature as they concern intimately the readiness of the threefold personality:
1. To reorient itself to the life of the soul, and later
2. To evidence readiness for initiation.
3. To demonstrate sensitivity to the Plan thus becoming the one-pointed disciple in Sagittarius.

\\excerpt from
New Moon in Scorpio Ceremony 
Our New Moon ceremony will also tap into the energy  fueling the seeds of change within our lives propelling us towards our becoming, allowing us to slingshot towards our desires.

Take the time to be grateful for all that has lead us to this point.
Notice that the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survives by bending with the wind.

Ceremony Below
1OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.ITEMS REQUIRED Pen, cup of water and sheet of paper. 

in darkness focus on your breath, notice your inhale and exhale, really feel the oxygen as it enters your nostrils from the plant kind, notice the carbon-dioxide as it exits your nostrils to the plant kind. Reflect on the fact that you are connected with the plants and everything else around you, so too with your connection to this celestial event observe all the experiences you have had since January to this point in a DEEP INHALE filling your lungs and your stomach, then hold to the count of 7 and exhale from your being all the things that occurred which seemingly did not serve you...
the hangups,
let downs,

Do this practice 3 times.

Create and write your intent for the next 6 months, you are encouraged to write your desires with the following headings in mind :

Reflect what these mean to you personally and write a brief definition of each before you start the energetic process of writing your future into being. 

What changes will you have in regards to your personal power , money, Intimacy, sharing and control over the next 6 months. (Be intuitive with the practice there are no set rules)

 Place your paper under the water bottle , hold your hand before your heart and repeat the following words in your mind or aloud "As above, so below, as within so without, as the sun so my desires, as the moon so my emotions, All full of love, all full of light". 

Spend some time in silence reflecting on these words and what the sun means to you and your desires, as well as how your emotions emulate the moon.
Following this visualise the energy from the  moon moving through the crown of your head to your heart, from your heart to your hands and into the bottle of water

Spend some time in silence with your hands on the water really feeling as if you have grounded this energy.

6.GRATITUDE Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the creation of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet. May what is written under the dark of the moon, come to light with the Full moon.

 thanking the energy you called forward and asking that your desires are manifested for your benefit and for the benefit of all you meet.
Keep the water by your bed and before you sleep at night being conscious of the water give thanks for the day and the ability of the night to release what does not serve you, and each morning give thanks for the night that gives you rest to dream the new Day into being.
(Notice how many days pass before your water is finished)

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Full Hunters Moon

 Oct 24, 2018

Full Hunter’s Moon  –  This full Moon is often referred to as the Full Hunter’s Moon, Blood Moon, or Sanguine Moon. Many moons ago, Native Americans named this bright moon for obvious reasons. The leaves are falling from trees, the deer are fattened, and it’s time to begin storing up meat for the long winter ahead. Because the fields were traditionally reaped in late September or early October, hunters could easily see fox and other animals that come out to glean from the fallen grains. Probably because of the threat of winter looming close, the Hunter’s Moon is generally accorded with special honor, historically serving as an important feast day in both Western Europe and among many Native American tribes.

Full Hunters Moon Ceremony 
1OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.ITEMS REQUIRED  candle/ lighter / matches ,2 sheets of paper and a pen (follow the exercise from the New Moon in Libra Ceremony ).

3.INTENTIONS after following the exercises from the New Moon in Libra ceremony and receiving your seed word, the tool to assist you with receiving your desire and manifesting it within the physical realm fold the second sheet (energy to guide you through the integration) into an arrow.

4.MEDITATION Close your eyes and thank Grand mother moon for her guidance, visualise yourself holding a bow receiving an arrow imbued with the energy gifted to you and visualise your desire in whatsoever form feels comfortable, focus your aim on your desire in your minds eye and take a deep inhale and exhale ten 10 times steadying your aim, following this take a final deep inhale and on your exhale release your desire and visually release the arrow to the universe see it hit your target guided by grandmother moon, before leaving your meditation / visualisation give grandmother moon thanks for this gift and experience.

5.INTEGRATION upon opening your eyes take a deep inhale filling your lungs being conscious you have released that desire to the universe to think on it no more, from here take the sheet of paper folded into an arrow and ask Grand mother moon to take your desires and do with it as she may...
Burn this paper with the candle / lighter / matches  watching the paper burn and being careful to keep the ashes. 

6.GRATITUDE  take the ashes say a prayer of gratitude in your heart giving thanks as if you have already received your desire as you saw your arrow hit it in your meditation, now without attachment we await the physical manifestation of our desire while already emitting our gratitude, with this blow the ashes outside.

Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the creation of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet. May what is written under the beautiful Full moon shine and resonate for all to bare witness.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

New Moon in Libra Ceremony

Monday October 8, 2018.

This new moon is one for us to create our intentions, for the coming Full moon. 

What is it that you are longing for ?

 what is your prey ? What are your desires?

Connect with the energy of the new moon and focus on your target, balance your desires and intentions under the Libra constellation.

This sign is ruled by Venus - is the Goddess of Love. In Astrology, Venus has dual rulership over Libra and Taurus. As a result, Venus represents two main areas of our life: love and money

Libra has air element so it rules our thoughts, through balancing our thoughts we can focus our intentions and desires for the upcoming Full  Moon.

*This New Moon Also falls on what was previously Columbus Day but is now in some places celebrated as Indigenous Peoples day.
This Moon in Libra reflects the scales of justice and time being balanced and the rise of indigenous pride within the Americas!!*

New Moon Ceremony :

1OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.ITEMS REQUIRED Pen and 2 sheets of paper. you can copy the examples from below and print them or hand write the sheets from below

in darkness focus on your breath, observe how you receive oxygen from the trees in exchange for carbon dioxide, observe how this is necessary yet seemless and you lose nothing, from that same breath accept that to receive your desires you will give energy through focusing on your desires but it will not be a strain or an issue, it will be as effortless as the exchange of breathing with the trees.

Create and write your intent for the month of October, and on the full moon there will be another ceremony where you will burn that list culminating your hunt and honouring the Full Moon to come.

New Moon sheet example below: 1st sheet
I ___________________________ declare to focus my energy and intentions towards the manifestation of






for the coming  Full Moon.

“Grand mother Moon I thank you for this renewal of energy + intentions, may you plant within me the seeds of my above desires if they are according to the will of spirit and bring the best energy for all concerned, if not may your will be done” .

With the above you have your target, the next exercise allows us to find our tools for the hunt.

Ask Grand Mother moon for 1 word to be your tool to prepare you for the Full Moon, and assist with acquiring your desires. T
his weapon and skill will be honed throughout the month every day and night until the Full moon.

5.MEDITATE, clear your mind and whatever comes to you intuitively, be it a word, name, animal or a place, write it  on the second sheet.

.2nd Sheet - 

Energy to Guide through Integration (Number symbolism breakdown)

The above table will be used to calculate the numerical energy of the word you receive, example
L    3
O  6
V  4
E  5

add all the numbers you receive  3+6+4+5=18 (if result is not one of the numbers with traits listed above continue to add the digits )           1+8= 9
Energy of 9 = Global awareness, read the energy and you will see it suits love, if love was your word create affirmations from that energy for every day until the full moon.

____________ = Word to carry me through the moons phases, the spiritual water to nourish my intentions until it blossoms at the full moon.

 1      The primal force
Positive Characteristics: Individualistic and independent, showing leadership and drive. The 1 is masculine, focused, an originator and self-starter; it is also progressive, strong-willed, courageous, self-reliant and rebellious (in a constructive way).

 2         The all-knowing
Positive Characteristics: Sensitive, tactful, diplomatic and cooperative. The 2s tend to be peacemakers and are loving, studious and patient. A 2 may express many musical or feminine qualities and also tends to be sensual and intuitive.

 3         The creative child
Positive Characteristics: 3s are imaginative, expressive communicators and artists. They are tolerant, joyful, optimistic, inspiring, talented, jovial, youthful, dynamic ... the list goes on and on!

 4         The salt of the earth
Positive Characteristics: 4s are disciplined, strong, stable, pragmatic, down-to-earth, reliable, dependable, hard-working, extracting, precise, methodical, conscientious, frugal, devoted, patriotic and trustworthy!

 5         A dynamic force
Positive Characteristics: 5s are energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving. They also tend to be versatile, flexible, adaptable, curious, social, sensual, quick-thinking, witty, courageous and worldly.

 6         The caretaker
Positive Characteristics: 6s are responsible, loving, self-sacrificing, protective, sympathetic and compassionate. These loyal, maternal figures are domestic, fair and idealistic healers or teachers.

 7         The seeker
Positive Characteristics: 7 isn't just a lucky number. It's also spiritual, intelligent, analytical, focused, introspective, studious, intuitive, knowledgeable, contemplative, serious, persevering, refined, gracious and displays much inner wisdom.

 8         Balance and power
Positive Characteristics: 8s are authoritative, business-minded leaders. They value control and tend to be powerful, but are also balanced, materially detached, successful and realistic. They end up in management positions, are efficient, capable, street-smart and good judges of character.

 9         Global awareness
Positive Characteristics: 9s are helpful, compassionate, aristocratic, sophisticated, charitable, generous, humanitarian, romantic, cooperative, creative, self-sufficient, proud and self-sacrificing.

 11           The most intuitive
Positive Characteristics: The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It is instinctual, charismatic, dynamic and capable when its sights are set on a concrete goal. The 11 is the number associated with faith and psychics.

 22           The Master Builder
Positive Characteristics: The 22 is the most powerful of all numbers, able to turn lofty dreams into realities. It is confident, pragmatic, ambitious and disciplined.

 33           Positive Characteristics: The 33 is a humanitarian. It is understanding and knowledgeable, a mover and a shaker.

Example word is LOVE, look on the sheet for the number assigned to each letter
add the numbers together

IF you receive a number that is not "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,22,33" then continue to add the digits until your result is one of the above numbers.. LOVE = 18 therefore 1+8 = 9

Following finding the number look for the energy of that number on the second sheet
"9- Global Awareness - helpfulness, compassionate etc..."

To hone the energy of 9 for the month either dedicate each day to accomplishing one of the traits,example being helpful on monday, compassionate on tuesday etc.. or create an affirmation that will be used when you wake and before you sleep every day until the full moon.

6.GRATITUDE Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the creation of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet. May what is written under the dark of the moon, come to light with the Full moon , may you achieve your target on the Full Moon.

 thanking the energy you called forward and asking that your desires are manifested for your benefit and for the benefit of all you meet.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

On the Full moon, meditate and honor Grandmother Moon, giving thanks for the beautiful fruit that has blossomed, and burn the completed New Moon Ceremony sheet and spread the ashes outside acknowledging it is done.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

September Full Harvest Moon

Harvest Full Moon is on September 24th
The full Moon nearest the autumnal equinox is called the Harvest Moon. This Moon is not just the full Moon that occurs at the time of the harvest. It is the full Moon that actually helps the harvest by providing more light at the right time than other full Moons do.

The autumnal equinox is the first day of fall. It is celebrated by many different cultures and plays a significant role in some beliefs .For most people, fall is a time that ushers in harvests, preserving food for the upcoming months, enjoyment of the colors of the changing leaves and beginning to prepare oneself both physically and psychologically for the upcoming colder months. 

The energy of this full moon is one of gratitude for the beautiful harvest physically , mentally, emotionally and spiritually for there is so much to be grateful for ; as well as releasing inhibitions and fears as we prepare to enter the colder season , that representing hibernation, meditation and deep contemplation.

Full Harvest Moon Ceremony:

Open Sacred Space - you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

Items Required - (for those that did the New Moon in Virgo practice we will be using the cord / ribbon from that practice)  A ribbon / cord, pen and paper.

Set Intentions - Close your eyes and visualise in your minds eye a seed, from this seed observe its process of piercing the earth rooting itself and growing into a beautiful tree that will itself  produce fruit bearing seeds.
Acknowledge the stage of growth that you are in your life compared to the growth process of this tree, from here write down 7 things you desire to release to the universe, these can be things you desire or things that serve you no more I recommend having a good mix of both.
Write these down on a sheet of paper.

Meditation - Take the ribbon / cord in your hand and ask your guides / teachers to assist you with releasing this energy to the universe, for each desire or thing that serves you no more tie a knot in the ribbon / cord, really FEEL the energy in your heart of this desire when tying the knot (for those that did the New Moon in Virgo Meditation dig up your container with the ribbon reconnect with each knot).When it feels right focus on each knot and repeat the following as you pull each knot in gratitude "As above, so Below, as Within, so Without, I release my desires to you Great Spirit".
When you have released all knots keep this cord / ribbon as a totem , a reminder that you have released these desires / intentions view it as a receipt from the universe and burn the paper blowing the ashes outdoors.
Allow some time in silence reflecting on the release and allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment for any guidance you receive.

Close Sacred Space - Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon and the energies called at the beginning of the ceremony for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the release of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet.

Energy of Full moon present 2 days before and after so you will have time to practice this ceremony.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

New Moon in Virgo Ceremony

Virgo is the sign of the Virgin. In ancient times, when the zodiac was first imagined, to be a virgin meant a woman who belonged to herself--and not to a man. It had nothing to do with being sexually active or not. Rather, virginity was a matter of your attitude to life. The purity of Virgo has to do with being open and receptive to life, like a virgin forest.

Sunday September 9th New Moon  offers a concentrated experience of Virgo's analytical practicality, precise focus on detail, willing service, and healing skill.

This is the perfect time for us to make wishes and set intentions in this seeding phase of the New Moon.

The energy of this New Moon will assist with creating new rituals in our day to day life, effectively hitting the reset button on failed attempts for change in our life , opportunity for new healing and transformation.

New Moon Ceremony :

1. OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.ITEMS REQUIRED Gather a pen, paper , ribbon (or any long piece of fabric around 2 to 3 feet ) and a jar or box that can hold the ribbon.

3. MEDITATION Close your eyes and focus your intentions on yourself. Firstly, review in your mind your day in reverse, then try to review your week and ask for Great Spirit to show you areas that require change and transformation to assist you with becoming your True Self.

4. INTENTIONS After your visual meditation practice write on the front of the paper some changes you would desire to see in your life, then write on the back practices you can do to help initiate these changes .recommended list. On the front :

  •  I wish to easily and gracefully take care of the practical details of living without resistance
  •  I wish to easily find myself organizing those areas of life I most often avoid.
  •  I wish to naturally find myself choosing and enjoying healthy foods.
  • I wish to easily find myself acting in ways I know are effective and practical for me.
                                 On the Back :

  •       I will pay attention to my basic needs
  •       I will  attempt one thing I would usually avoid each day
  •       I will take responsibility in choosing what is right for my body , mind and soul
  •       I will acknowledge and choose what is best effective and practical for ME.

5. MEDITATION In the darkness of the new moon, the beautiful void from which the creators voice spoke the world into being, meditate on the creation story, meditate on the fact that from infinite space and darkness whether by a big bang, the word OM, or the voice of a supreme being all life was created. Give thanks for an opportunity to experience life and to create your own experiences.

6. REQUEST When you are ready say a prayer similar to the following "Great Spirit, I ask that you will guide my hand with manifesting my desires for the upcoming Full moon, may my requests bring peace to myself and all I see, Joy to myself and all I touch.

7. RITUAL Take the Ribbon and tie a knot for each desire (seed) you plant with the energy of this new moon within yourself and the universe, continue to expand each knot to match your desires on the front of the sheet until you arrive at the ends of the ribbon (maximum recommended number is 7 knots ). Place the ribbon in the container and bury it outside, in a plant, or tuck it away in a place you deem sacred where it will not be disturbed.

8. GRATITUDE Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the creation of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet. May what is written under the dark of the moon, come to light with the Full moon of September, may your seeds bare fruit on the coming harvest moon.

9. INTEGRATION Spend some quiet time in meditation with hands over stomach for at least 5 mins being mindful of your WILL (back of the paper) being planted in your being, keep the sheet of paper under your pillow or in a space that you can see the back until the Full September Harvest Moon. 

10.CLOSE SACRED SPACE thanking the energy you called forward and asking that your desires are manifested for your benefit and for the benefit of all you meet.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).

Each morning speak aloud or in your mind your WILL list on the back of the sheet, being mindful to evoke these subtle changes in your daily rituals.

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

Love and Light