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Friday, March 30, 2018

Full Worm Blue Moon / Maple Blue Moon Ceremony

March is the month of the Full Worm Moon.

The Full Worm Moon  was given its name by the Algonquin tribes from New England to Lake Superior.

At the time of this spring Moon, the ground begins to soften and earthworm casts reappear, inviting the return of robins. In some regions, this is also known as the Sap Moon, as it marks the time when maple sap begins to flow and the annual tapping of maple trees begins.

The ceremony for March31st allows us to tap into our gifts of manifestation and healing in the 4 main areas of our life, health, love life, clarity and abundance.
The month of March opens and closes with a full moon this year, making this the second "Blue Moon" month in 2018.
The moon first became full on Thursday, March 1,  and will again on Saturday, March 31, . The first Blue Moon of 2018 was the spectacular Super Blue Blood Moon of Jan. 31.

1. OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2. Take a sheet of paper and write the things you desire to release from your life and the things you would like to attract / invoke.

3. Place your right hand over the things you desire to release and repeat : Grand mother Moon, I give thanks for your eb and flow, I ask of you to release what does not serve me from my mind, body, and spirit. (spend some time with your eyes closed until you feel led to move on).

4. Place your left hand over the things you desire to attract / invoke and repeat : Grand mother Moon, I give thanks for your eb and flow, I ask of you to guide my souls desires towards my mind, body and spirit. 
 (spend some time with your eyes closed until you feel led to move on).

5.Hold the list of things you desire to release with your right hand and burn them by a candle.

6. Hold the list of things you desire to attract / invoke with your left hand and burn them by a candle.

7. Spend atleast 6 mins in silence repeating to yourself, "As above so below, As within so without, All full of love , All full of light.

8. After your 6 mins of tapping into the balanced energy blow the ashes outside and repeat in your mind "In gratitude I release you ".

Give thanks to your spirit guide / creator and close your sacred space.

 Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

Love and Light