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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Gaulin Kishibu Kati (Gaulin / Heron Full Moon)


Gaulin Kati (Heron Moon)

Gaulin (Cattle Heron) Moon - January 28th
As so many things are changing around us this moon is one of adaptability and returning to balance, as the wahil Kati was in december, this full moon there are many changes taking place The Wahil (grouper fish) are still spawning and transformations are taking place, we too must adjust.
This moon we reflect and honor what today is called the Gaulin in the Caribbean, this is a close relative to the Yaboa (night heron).

Gaulin - A small white heron which spends most of its time around cattle and livestock instead of water wading as most herons do. They feed on the insects and grubs disturbed by the grazing animals. 

Several Native American Tribes look at the heron symbol as signs of patience and good luck. This belief takes root in the Northwest Coast, where people believe that if Native American fishermen spot a heron, it means good luck is with them, and they will have a successful fishing trip. 

For most of us, it is common knowledge that fishing in many coastal areas and villages is the main source of livelihood and food.

Thus, a heron symbolizes prosperity in the lives of Native Americans. Some tribes even look upon herons as an eternal solitary creature of nature, perhaps because it stays aloof mostly except for the breeding time.
// above from

Now the Gaulin has evolved post colonization from the Herons family and is opportunist, creating new mutualistic relationship where it supports cattle and is nourished and protected in so doing.

Spiritual Significance

This Full moon is during a time of shifts and transitioning and as such represents an awareness of opportunities and the ability to evolve as required for the benefit of your spirit, your family, your people and all mankind.
This is a time of new adventures and releasing old ways, with alot of emphasis on cleansing and releasing.
For the next moon we dance.


I encourage practicing a simple ceremony below to help connect with this moment:

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons of abundance.

2. Place your hands over your heart, ( right hand over left hand elbows out like a birds wings). Take 7 deep breaths and visualise with each inhale energy from Atabey (Mother Earth) going into your heart and with each exhale leaving from your being out through your feet to be grounded into the earth.

3. With your eyes close while standing chin to chest, drop your shoulders and visualise your connection with Atabey (mother Earth), see yourself like the Gaulin (cattle Egret) balanced and in harmony with your host, see yourself nourished effortlessly and as you consume you cleanse your host and are nourished.

4. Bring that awareness to the plant kinds, how effortlessly with our inhale we receive from the plants and with exhale releasing what does not serve us (carbon dioxide) we nourish the plants.
We prepare ourselves to receive, release and renew in balance.
Ask yourself how can you fulfill your purpose in these shifting times, while doing the greatest good for all.
Do not focus on the response but the feeling of balance, of harmony. 

5.When you feel in your heart it is time give them thanks for their guidance and the energy given to you. Note 

energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice.

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