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Thursday, July 12, 2018

New Moon in Cancer

july 12th
Cancer, the fourth sign of the zodiac, is all about home.
This sign is ruled by the moon and the element of water, water and the moon deals with our emotions.
As the moon affects the tides, and creates with in the waters the eb and flow, so too does this coming new moon draws our attention to our emotions, our feelings and fixing matters of our heart and home.

New Moon Ceremony :

1. OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.Gather a sheet of paper a pen and a small container of water (spray some of a cologne or perfume you like into the water).

3. Fold the paper into 3 equal parts.

4. Write one of the following 3 headings over each area - Family ,Work , Self.

5. In the darkness of the new moon, the beautiful void from which the creators voice spoke the world into being, meditate on the creation story, meditate on the fact that from infinite space and darkness whether by a big bang, the word OM, or the voice of a supreme being all life was created. Give thanks for an opportunity to experience life and to create your own experiences.

6. When you are ready say a prayer similar to the following "Great spirit, I ask that you will guide my hand with manifesting my desires for the upcoming Full moon, may my requests bring peace to myself and all I see, Joy to myself and all I touch.

7. Write on the paper consciously all the NEW things you would like manifested within each of these three areas, eg.. Family - Health, resolution of feuds etc.. , Work - finding my passion, courage to speak my truth to supervisors, provision of a new fulfilling occupation etc... Self - New positive outlook on life, New habits that encourage health of mind body and soul etc...

8. Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the creation of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet.
May what is written in the dark , blossom in the light , as the water sits calmly within this container, so too will my resolution and conviction hold firm towards my desires, yet flexible enough to move where you desire when you desire all towards my good and the good of all involved.

9. Spend some quiet time in meditation with hands over stomach for atleast 5mins. 

10. Place the container of water over your paper and over the next few days until the full moon notice as the water is taken as an offering to great spirit in return for assisting with the manifestation of your desires for the upcoming Full moon .

11.Close sacred space thanking the energy you called forward and being aware that all you seek is the energy of your desires is within the container of water, and will slowly be consumed by great spirit.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).
Each morning visit your water and paper, and simply say a prayer over that space of gratitude and thanks giving.

Give thanks to your spirit guide / creator and close your sacred space.

 Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

Love and Light

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