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Wednesday, June 27, 2018

June Full Moon Ceremony (Full Hot Moon)

The month of June's full Moon's name is the Full Strawberry Moon. June's Full Strawberry Moon got its name because the Algonquin tribes knew it as a signal to gather ripening fruit.

It was often known as the Full Rose Moon in Europe (where strawberries aren't native). In other areas of the world as this was the moon closest to the Summer Solstice the signaling of  longer days and shorter nights it was also called the FULL HOT MOON.

The moon will be full on June 27th.

This full moon is a great time to channel the energy of manifestation, symbolic in the ripening of fruit.

What seeds have you planted since the new moon ?

How have you cared for these seeds ?

Now is the time to allow your fruits to blossom and tap into that energy with a beautiful fire ceremony (symbolic of sun's creative force ) releasing our desires to the flames, watching them rise in the air with the smoke, allowing the ashes to become one with the earth, awareness of the Great Spirits presence and provisions for us right now, and throughout the rest of our walk in mortal form.

Full Hot Moon Fire Ceremony :

1. OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2.Gather a  candle , sheet of paper and a pen (practice writing your intentions it can be things you desire to attract or to release).

3. Light a candle, or a small bon fire.

4. Fold your paper into an arrow (method of doing this is not important simply the paper should have a point at one end you may also place small items in the paper that are symbolic of what you seek to manifest, eg honey for sweetness of life etc..).

5. Hold this arrow above your heart, in silence thank Great spirit for the opportunity to tap into endless energies for manifestation.

6. In your mind visualise your desires / intentions as liquid gold, placed into the mold of the arrow you hold in your hand, and watch as it cools and is formed into firm unbreakable intentions.

7. Place your arrow into the fire head first and notice how all elements are involved with the transmutation of this sold paper by the fire, it becomes smoke which is connected to air elements symbolic of the mind, ashes which is connected to earth symbolic of grounding and firm foundations , as your intentions and desires rise and you observe the paper totally consumed sit in the silence for 5 mins, speaking into being all of your desires being conscious that the last element of water will be a sign that your desires are in the physical realm, this does not mean that when it rains you will have all that you desire, it means that your desires are in the physical space no longer just an intention and now is waiting for you to attract it (be it abundance, a mate, health etc.. )

8. Out the candle / allow the fire to die naturally ,close sacred space thanking the energy you called forward and being aware that all you seek is already in the wind , carried energetically to the creator.

If you receive any insights, sounds, smells, visions during this day make a note no matter how strange it may seem (you can always contact me for symbolic interpretation).
Pay attention to the weather, when next it rains be conscious they are your showers of blessings.

 Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after new moon so you have time to practice.

Love and Light

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