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Monday, September 4, 2017

September Full Corn Moon

Septembers Full Moon is on September 6th 

The September full Moon is usually known as the Full Corn Moon because it traditionally corresponds with the time of harvesting corn. It is also called the Barley Moon because this is the time to harvest and thresh ripened barley. 
Often, the September Moon is also called the Harvest Moon, but this year the Harvest Moon occurs in October
The full Moon nearest the autumnal equinox is called the Harvest Moon. This Moon is not just the full Moon that occurs at the time of the harvest. It is the full Moon that actually helps the harvest by providing more light at the right time than other full Moons do.

To the Indians of the New World, spiritual life and the life of flesh were reflecting counterparts of one another in that midmost place. The breath of Spirit breathed in the corn like the Mayan wife who blows on her kernels before grinding them into meal. Wherever corn grew in the Americas it was held by the people to be the symbol of life and fertility. It was the flesh of man and that which sustained him but it was the gift of the Father, and its multicoloured glory was cherished as the endlessly varied expression of his beneficence. It was the spirit of the seed of eternal life, and frequently the umbilical cord of a newborn child was cut over an ear of corn. From the Northeastern woodlands to the tropics of Guatemala and beyond, many tribes observed this practice and saved most of the seed from this sanctified corn for the child's first solid meal. The rest was kept until the little one grew older and could begin to participate in the sacred act of planting, placing the carefully preserved kernels into the small deep holes with his own hand. 


The energy of this full moon is one of gratitude for the beautiful harvest physically , mentally, emotionally and spiritually for there is so much to be grateful for ; as well as releasing inhibitions and fears as we prepare to enter the colder season , that representing hibernation, meditation and deep contemplation.

Full Corn Moon Ceremony:

Open Sacred Space - you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

Items Required -  corn kernel, conrmeal , seeds, (anything that symbolises fertility) , Paper and pen

Set Intentions - Close your eyes and observe the darkness, and from that darkness try to visualise the first spark of light. Allow this light to grow and feel the heat from this light until it becomes the Sun. Here set your intentions to receive that life giving medicine and nourishment into your life to fuel the things that will feed your spirit and release those that not longer serve you.
(If you practiced the New Moon in Leo Solar Elcipse ceremony use the sheet from that ceremony )Write these down on a sheet of paper.

Meditation -   Take the symbol of fertility (cornmeal, corn kernel, seeds etc..) and blow your intentions into it each time raising it to one of the 4 directions after asking the guides of the 4 directions to hear your request acknowledge the intentions you have set and to bless you with their medicine. After honoring all the 4 directions hold the symbol to grandmother moon and father sky then finally placing on the earth. Here say a prayer of gratitude for your harvest for all you have received throughout this cycle and all that is yet to come.

Close Sacred Space - Upon completion Thank Great spirit / grand mother moon and the energies called at the beginning of the ceremony for allowing this opportunity to channel this nights energy into the release of your desires towards the betterment of yourself and all you meet.

Energy of Full moon present 2 days before and after so you will have time to practice this ceremony.

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