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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Full Pink Moon Ceremony

April's Full Moon, Full Pink Moon, heralds the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, the Fish Moon and for our Taino people the Frog Moon.
In jamaica this is one of the times in which the Poui tree blossoms.  There are naturally three times when the Poui blooms that school children look for: once in mid February to give an indication that the time is drawing near, once in March to indicate the time for studying is upon them and the third at the end of April or Mid May to indicate that the time of studying is long gone.
April 29th 2018

Image result for Poui tree moon

You may have already been noticing that the theme for this period is balance, have you observed the synchronicities taking place in your life ?

This energy is perfect for drawing that balance into your life, releasing the old, embracing the new.

Tapping into balance and channeling that energy into the main areas of our life, Relationships, Health, Abundance, Power.

The ceremony is as follows:

1. OPEN SACRED SPACE you can use a prayer or simply set your intentions asking for your higher self/ creator to enter your space and allow all that will be done to work towards the benefit of yourself firstly and all around you.

2. (for those that did the new moon ceremony skip to step 6 )get a candle a pen / pencil and a sheet of paper.

3.Hold the candle to your heart and then your head, do the same with the paper and the writing instrument.. your intentions should be to inscribe on this paper your desires, your New beginnings that this moons energy will propel you towards.

4.Light the candle and write all of your desires on the paper, to help with ideas split them into Health, Abundance, Power, Love

5.Repeat a simple incantation to express your intentions an example is " Great Spirit, I am filled with gratitude for your guidance and gifts, may the winds of the coming cycle propel me over my obstacles towards my becoming.

6.Place your hands before your chest in the Ganesh mudra (hand gesture)

 -Take a seat, now  focus on  releasing what does not serve you to your symbolic celestial parents Mother Moon and Father Sun. Let it swirl through your thoughts and then let it dissipate. With a soft gaze or eyes closed, bring up the left palm facing away from the heart and the right palm towards, claps your fingers with right thumb up and left thumb down. Bring the mudra to the level of your heart, wrist and elbows in the same plane and elbows pointing away. Take a full breath in, and as you exhale, pull the grasp apart without breaking it. On you inhalation, relax the muscles in the chest, shoulders and arms, but still keep your Ganesh Mudra intact. Repeat the pulling and relaxing with your breath 3 to 6 times. Then rest for a few even breaths with the hands on the sternum, relaxing the elbows down. Afterwards, switch your grip, right palm faces away from heart and left inwards, and repeat the same number of pulling/relaxing of the mudra and all muscles involved with this variation. Now release all of your desires to the Full Moon and visualize that great circle in the night sky representing for you balance.

7. After completing the Ganesh Mudra burn the paper with your desires , observe how the fire consumes the list, observe how the list is transmuted to ash and smoke, observe how easily those desires were released to the universe.

When it feels right blow out the candle and be conscious that as the wind moves so does your desires / intentions towards great spirit.

8.Give thanks to your spirit guide / creator and close your sacred space.

 Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after Full moon so you have time to practice.

Love and Light

1 comment:

  1. nice-just finding this early on 15th so i will do it tonight!!
