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Saturday, August 11, 2018

New Moon in Leo

Image result for lion moon

Aug 11th 2018 New moon in Leo  Partial SOLAR ECLIPSE

Leo is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and represents those born July 22 to August 22. It is considered a masculine, extroverted sign.

The majestic lion, the King of the Beasts, is Leo's symbol. Throughout history, the lion has symbolized sovereignty, rulership, and courage. "The lion's size and strength have captured human imagination since ancient times.

The fact that it is a nocturnal creature means that the lion is a symbol of authority and command over subconscious thought (as night is an ancient symbol of the subconscious - or dream states).

It's interesting that the lion is considered by many ancient cultures to be a solar animal symbol, however it is primarily a nocturnal creature, conducting its hunting activity mostly at night. Further, the lioness is considered a lunar animal.

This serves as a symbolic message of balance and sound judgment. In that the lion shares the world of both night and day, the lion bears a message of prudence to us. In other words, the lion asks us to not overdo in certain areas of our lives. Rather, keep an even mind and an overall balance in our life activities.

This new moon energy is ideal for making big decisions, big shifts with regards to work, relationships, our personal power / self worth and finishing old projects.

Time to not merely tackle but conquer areas of our life.
The ceremony below will assist with tapping into the Leo energy that will be present for creating new ways of addressing old recurring issues, and the beginning of new adventures.

New Moon Ceremony :

1.OPEN SACRED SPACE : Practice a prayer, chant, mantra, or listen to a song that invites the energies desired into your space, that of gratitude to great spirit and a connection to your spiritual teachers to assist and ensure that the greatest good for yourself and all involved will be the sole intention of this ceremony.

2. ITEMS REQUIRED: Pen , paper, and a Candle

3.DECLARING INTENTIONS: Write on a sheet of paper the intentions you would like strengthened through the energy of this new moon in Leo, focus mainly on older projects and desires you have had through out the year which for whatever reason have not fully manifested as yet, this is the time to boost those intentions with the bright conquering energy of Leo.
It is recommended to split these intentions into categories either in the order of - Personal Power, Work, Relationships , Health ... or Old projects , short term goals, longterm goals etc..
Write them in  simple forms instead of long statements or paragraphs that is easier to remember through out the day or during your meditation.

4.MEDITATION: Light the candle and place it on a table or in an area that you can be on eye level with the wick / flame. Recite within your mind each of your intentions at a time while focusing on the cleansing fire of the candle, stare at the flame until your eyes start to water (do not strain yourself if you feel like resting your eyes please do so, always important to listen to your body ) , then with your eyes closed focus on the after image in your mind of the flame for as long as you can while still reciting in your mind your intention.
This type of meditation helps with focusing and the transition of your desire from the space of the conscious mind to the sub conscious mind programmed into your being.

Do this 3 times for each item on your list or until you feel lighter and a sense of gratitude.

5.GRATITUDE - Place your hands before your heart in prayer pose and thank Great spirit for allowing this opportunity in time, for this moment to tap into the natural energy of the heavens and for allowing you to channel this energy into assisting your day to day life, claiming the promises of abundance joy and well being.
Ensure to ask that your desires will work towards your benefit and that of all involved, always seeking the greatest good for everyone.
6. INTEGRATION - Until the August Full Moon, for atleast 1 week straight try to practice this meditation exercise with focusing on your list (if you miss a day please try to start over or practice 2 times the following day). Alternative is to recite your list or meditate upon your desires 2 times everyday until the full moon of August, once as you wake and once before heading into dream time.

7. CLOSING SACRED SPACE - Thank the energies you called into the space to assist with the ceremony and setting of your intentions. Keep the paper with you until the full moon, I recommend posting it in plain sight or under your pillow to assist with the integration practice of repeating them twice everyday.

Energy of new moon present 2 days before and after the New Moon.

You may seek my counsel with interpreting dreams or symbolism you become aware of during the ceremonies.

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