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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Iguana Kati (Iguana Moon )

 The Iguana Kishibu Kati will be on September 29th.

The Jamaican Iguana is a keystone species because of the crucial role they play in cycling nutrients through the ecosystem and the fact that they can make up the largest proportion of the native vertebrate biomass.


The animals were once a thriving species and inhabited much of the island, mostly on its coasts, until the mid-1800s. The population declined drastically due to hostile predators, such as mongooses, cats and stray dogs. Additionally, activities like cutting down trees and clearing land for housing and farming contributed to the elimination of many iguanas.

The species was declared extinct in 1948. However, in 1990, the animals were rediscovered in a remote area in the Hellshire Hills, Portmore, St. Catherine. Thus, an intense effort to recover the species and rebuild the population began.

Rescue Efforts

Through the Jamaican Iguana Recovery Programme, the National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA), which is tasked with managing and protecting Jamaica’s biodiversity, aims to release 1,000 iguanas in the Hellshire Hills by 2026, having begun the process in 1996.
excerpt from

Colonizers saw the Iguana as a delicacy for our ancestors but they did not understand the deep spiritual symbolism for our people. We believe that the sun and moon come from a cave called Iguanaboina and this cave is also the home of twin Cemi (nature spirits) Marohu which rules over clear skys and Boinyael (meaning child of Boina the gray serpent) which rules over rain. 

For Yamaye Taino the Iguana is associated with the dry season and the Sun while the Maha (Boa) or Boina with the rainy season and the Moon.
Iguana Kati is the name of the full moon after the Equinox in September as the full moon before the September equinox is always called Karey kati (turtle moon) whether it falls in august or early september.

Iguana Kati for our people today is a strong symbol for our resurgence, as like the Jamaican Iguana our people were also thought extinct, but were hiding in plane sight and our numbers were dwindling due to colonization of our people and our spaces.

Spiritual Significance
The spirit of the iguana for our people today represents the sun, resilience, patience, adaptability, transmutation, and  the Yamaye Taino resurgence. Our people, like the Jamaican Iguana were thought to be extinct yet we remain today through Creator's blessings and the Will of our ancestors. 

This Full Moon is about honoring our ancestors, gratitude for our blessings, celebration of cycles and rebirth:

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your spiritual guides and protectors, the way in which your ancestors would. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons.

2. With your eyes closed while standing or sitting on a chair, Take 7 deep inhales and exhales to clear your mind.

3. Take deep breaths to your stomach, allow it to expand and in your mind generate a warm heat from your stomach.

4. Allow each positive thought you declare for your life to be represented by a seed, consume this seed and observe as it moves to your stomach. 
Like the Iguana allow your stomach to refine this desire and with your exhale allow it to move down through your feet and into the earth.

5.When complete give thanks for guidance and the energy given to you. 

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice