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Sunday, December 15, 2024

Yuca Kati (Cassava Moon )

Yuca Kishibu Kati (Cassava Full Moon) will be on December 12th.

The primary crop cultivated by the Taino Indians was Yuca/Cassava. It was planted in the Conucos (a small plot of cultivated land) using a Coa (a kind of hoe made completely out of wood). From the Yuca/Cassava the Tainos made the baked cassava flatbread, which became a main part of their diet.

When Christopher Columbus and his Spaniard team first arrived to the Hispaniola Island (Dominican Republic and Haiti) in 1492, they found that cassava bread had advantages over their traditional European bread, in that it does not go stale or moldy. For this reason, the Spaniards took this durable cassava flatbread to other parts of the continent as they continued their conquest of America.
excerpt from

Oviedo recorded that our ancestors planted their Yuca at the start of the lunar month so that the crop grew with the phases of the moon. They also encouraged growth by placing or burying zemi figures of stone or wood in the conuco (garden) to protect the crop and ensure its potency.

Today, in lowland Amazonia, manioc gardens are associated with fertility and sexuality, as places where menstruating women take refuge, unmarried couples have sex, and babies are born. The process of planting hard manioc cuttings in soft, yielding soil is itself seen as full of sexual imagery.

Late November and December is the time when Yuca is harvested.

Spiritual Significance

"They call him Yúcahu Bagua Maórocoti" is the earliest mention of the zemí taken from the first page of Fray Ramón Pané's Account of the Antiquities of the Indians. 

As the Taíno did not possess a written language, the name is the phonetic spelling as recorded by the Spanish missionaries, Ramón Pané, and Bartolomé de las Casas. The three names are thought to represent the Great Spirit's epithets.

Yúcahu means spirit or giver of Cassava. Bagua has been interpreted as meaning both "the sea" itself and "master of the sea." The name Maórocoti implies that he was conceived without male intervention.
excerpt from

Yuca holds a sacred place in our lives as it symbolises fertility and nourishment, one of our sacred items always presented to the zemi and ancestors.


This Full Moon represents the harvesting of our nourishing Yuca, reaping the rewards of the work put in from the Rainy season of May. We have prayed, worked and now we receive.

Now you have to harvest at the right time, too early the roots will be young not fit for eating, too long and it may become hard or food for pests so the lesson here is also one of discernment to do things in their alotted time and season.

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons.

2. With your eyes closed while standing or sitting on a chair, Take 7 deep inhales and exhales to clear your mind.

3. Bring attention to your breath, with each inhale receiving life giving oxygen from the plants and with each exhale giving them carbon dioxide.

Visualise a beautiful Conuco (garden) filled with Yuca (Cassava). Find yourself by a plant that is pleasing to your spirit, that represents your plant to harvest based on all the work put in this year. 

4. As you see the Yuca plant before you, take a deep inhale and open your palms, with a slow steady exhale clench your fist and visualise holding the stem .

Take another deep inhale opening your palm, and with a slow and steady exhale clench your fist and visualise your are pulling the stem to pull out the nourishing Yuca root.

Continue to synchronize your breaths and clenching of fist with your visualisation of pulling the Yuca plants root out from the soil.

5. As you pull see all of the obstacles you have overcome, and allow yourself to fill with gratitude for experiencing another beautiful full moon. As you pull the Yuca root out give thanks to your guides for all of the blessings received now to carry you through to the next full moon and beyond.

6. To close place hands before heart and breathe in deeply that gratitude.

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice

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