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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Wahayona kishibu Kati

Image result for Yucahu

Yucahu created the moon painting by Jose Guerrido

The next full moon is special in the Caribbean for so many reasons, and holds alot of energy.

* The First Full Moon since the Solar Eclipse.

* Full Moon in October the month prone to Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, time to appease Guabancex the cemi of Storms.

* Full Moon in the Month that Colonizers first came to the Caribbean, Colombus landed in Bahamas on October 12 1492.

This Full Moon on October 17th is called Wahayona kishibu Kati, wahayona the person was our first chief in our creation story, the term is also translated as "our pride" and also as "our ancestor/root".

Spiritual Significance

Our tradition is one of honouring ancestors, cycles, spirits of nature and all that we share this life with.

It is important for us to listen with our heart, to spend time finding balance and connecting with the messages that are coming to assist us.

Like the animals and Cemi speak of the coming Huracan (hurricane) and our stories tell of how to appease the spirit of Gubancex so too does or past speak of wisdom, discernment and finding balance.

Let me share of  Kasike Kacibakel (Cacivaquel) .

XXV. Concerning what is alleged to have been said by two principal caciques of the island of Española, one of them Cacivaquel, father of the aforesaid Guarayonel, and the other, Gamanacoel. The great lord who they believe is in heaven (as I wrote at the beginning of this book) ordered Cacivaquel to fast, which they all generally do, staying in seclusion six or seven days at a time without eating or drinking anything except the juice of the herbs with which they also wash themselves. When the fasting period is finished, they begin to take nourishment. During the time of their fast their bodily and mental weakness causes them to see things that they perhaps wanted to see. They all fast in honor of their cemíes, in order to learn from them if they will gain a victory over their enemies, to acquire riches, or to satisfy some other desire. And they say this cacique claimed to have spoken with (Yucahu Guama) Yiocavugama, who had announced to the cacique that those who succeeded to his power would enjoy it only a short time because there would come to his country a people wearing clothes who would conquer and kill the Indians, and that they would die from hunger. At first they thought he referred to the cannibals; later, reflecting that the cannibals only robbed and then went away, they decided he must have meant some other people. That is why they now believe that the idol prophesied the coming of the Admiral and the people who came with him.
excerpt from Relacion of Fray Ramone Pane


This Full Moon is about wisdom, balance, discernment, guidance, trust, truth and discipline.

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons.

2. With your eyes closed while standing or sitting on a chair, Take 7 deep inhales and exhales to clear your mind.

3. Close your eyes and place your palm on your heart, take a deep inhale and hold your breath to the count of 10, then slowly exhale to the count of 10.Do this 3 times

 the 1st reflecting on the earth beneath your feet
 the 2nd reflecting on the heavens and Mother/ Grandmother/ Big Brother moon above you.
 the 3rd reflecting on your spirit and ancestors that walk with you and within you.

Ask your guides to speak to you, help you to listen to their guidance and allow yourself to sit in awareness.
Aware of the sounds around you, aware of how you feel, aware of all you have to give thanks for.

4. We are always receiving guidance to assist with our lives journey, this moon spend the time listening specifically to :
what do you need to heal ?
What do you need to release ?
What do you need to receive ?

5.When complete give thanks for guidance and the energy given to you. 

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice