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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Biahani Kishibu Kati (Pidgeon / Dove Full Moon)

Image result for pigeon moon

Biahani kishibu Kati will be August 19th

This period is connected to bird hunting season for us in Yamayeka (Jamaica). Our Ancestors were skilled hunters with the Baira (bow) and through our teachings respected all relatives be they plant kind, stone kind or animal kind.

Our stories in Areito (Song Celebration} would speak of ancestors that were transformed into birds, and the manner in which we call on their spirit to ask for nourishment or a good hunt.

Spiritual Significance
Pigeons and Doves - They are considered spirit messengers that carry communication between the worlds of the living and dead. Pigeons and doves are thought to bring love, peace and an understanding of gentleness. Some think they deliver gifts of physical, mental and emotional healing.
Mystical traditions claim that the coos of pigeons and doves sound mournful and possibly reflect hidden emotions, mirroring the energies within situations. The appearance of a pigeon to an individual may indicate that the person should examine his home life and contemplate the reality of his situation, comparing it with his personal expectations.
Spiritualists note that pigeons and doves belong to the same family, but they differ in cultural associations. While doves are considered blessed and pure, pigeons are seen as dirty pests. The pigeon is determined, and a pigeon sighting may encourage an individual to stand firm regardless of formidable challenges. Pigeons are safest in a flock and may also symbolize the strength and support offered within a community. In the Bible, turtledoves and pigeons were interchangeable as sacrificial offerings to god.
In my upbringing my grandfather was an Architect and there is a tradition used of offering a pidgeon to the 4 corners before working on a site, it was passed down that this practice would prevent any injuries.

This Full Moon is about the home, peace, abundance and generosity.

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons.

2. With your eyes closed while standing or sitting on a chair, Take 7 deep inhales and exhales to clear your mind.

3. prepare yourself for the symbolic hunt by doing prayer/ songs . See your surroundings, feel your baira in hand and take a knee in respect. 

Respect for the spirit of the Biahani which gives of its life force to nourish you and your family.

With each inhale feel that gratitude and respect swell up in you, for our ancestors greatly respected life and were filled with gratitude when they had to take it for survival.

4. Physically with your hands straighten one hand and as you inhale pull back the opposite hand as if pulling on a bow, with your eyes close see the Biahani before you but understand it represents a gift from creator, a promise you will be provided for.

Reflect on all you are grateful for that you have received and all that is instore for you that you have yet to receive.Then exhale and bring both hands together.

5.Do this 7 times then give thanks for guidance and the energy given to you. 

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice