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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Guayaba / Wayaba Kati (Guava Moon)

Guayaba / Wayaba Kati

Guayaba Kishibu Kati will be July 21st

This coming full moon in July marks the time to harvest Anana (Pineapple) , Guanabana / Wanabana (Soursop) and Guayaba / Wayaba (Guava).

July in Yamayeka (Jamaica) and other Caribbean islands is one of the hottest months, and what helps to cool us down is the abundance of island fruit juices that can be made while we relax under the shade of trees (when we can) in our Hammaca (hammock).

The Guayaba has a special connection with our ancestors as seen below excerpt from Relacion of Fray Ramon Pane:

XII. Their beliefs concerning the wanderings of the dead, of their appearance, and what they do. They believe the dead go to a place called Coaybay, on one side of an island called Soraya. They say that the first to live there was one Maquetaurie Guayaba, who was lord of Coaybay, home and dwelling place of the dead.

XIII. Of the forms which they assign to the dead. They say that during the day the dead live in seclusion, but at night walk about for recreation and eat of fruit called guayaba, which has the flavor of [the quince B.K.] and during the day is . . . but at night is changed into fruit; and they have festivities and keep company with the living. The Indians have this method of identifying dead people: They touch the belly of a person with the hand, and if they do not find a navel, they say that person is operito, which means dead; for they say that dead persons have no navels. Sometimes one who does not take this precaution and lies with a woman of Coaybay is mocked; for when he holds her in his arms, she suddenly disappears and his arms are empty. They still believe this. When a person is alive, they call his spirit goeiz; when he is dead, opia. They say that this goeiz appears to them often, now in the shape of a man, now of a woman. They say there was a man who wished to fight with a spirit; but when he closed with it, it disappeared, and the man flung his arms about a tree from whose branches he hung. All of them, young and old, believe this; they also believe that the spirits appear to them in the shape of their father, mother, brothers, relatives, or in some other shape. The fruit that they believe the dead eat is the size of a peach. The dead do not appear to them by day, but only by night, and therefore one who walks about at night feels great fear.

Spiritual Significance
According to Guava in dreams symbolizes fertility and romance. Below are more specific guava related dream interpretations.

Dream About Eating Guava

Dreaming about eating guava, represents prosperity and abundance, you will have vitality and energy to celebrate all the occasions in the near future. You might attend some lively parties soon where you will meet lots of people.
Dream About Guava Nectar or Juice
To drink guava nectar or guava juice, reflects that you will obtain wealth from legitimate resources. You will be able to rid yourself of impurities and obstacles in your business or work, and only be left with great profits.
Guava / Guayaba is connected to prosperity, fruitfulness and we aim to connect with this through honouring our ancestors and there guidance. As the favorite of the fruit bat, which is connected to the ancestors we expect to see groups moving through the trees under the light of this coming Moon. May we remain steadfast in seeking ancestral guidance as we are still in the Huracan season.

This Full Moon is about prosperity, ancestors, joy and beauty. I encourage practicing a simple ceremony below to help connect with this moment:

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons.

2. With your eyes closed while standing or sitting on a chair, Take 7 deep inhales and exhales to clear your mind.

3. Visualise a Guayaba \ Guava tree, see the roots , branches and leaves. Smell the sweet aroma of the fruit and with a deep inhale and relaxed exhale allow your conscious mind to enter the tree with your exhale (if you have a guava tree around even better to do while sitting by the tree).

Ask the tree and your ancestors to bring you into balance so you may feast on the sweet fruits that are instore for you.
Allow your mind to quiet and visualise with each inhale you take from the tree, each exhale you give to the tree.

4. Do the above until you feel satisfied, then visualise feasting on the sweet fruit of the guava , understand all the good medicine for your soul you are consuming (now is a good time to ask for guidance from your spiritual guides).

5.When you feel in your heart it is time give thanks for guidance and the energy given to you. 

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice.