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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Huracan Kati (hurricane Moon)

Huracan Kati / Hurricane Moon

Moon Digital Art - Hurricane Moon by Abstract Angel Artist Stephen K

image by Abstract Angel Artist Stephen K Art
The full moon for June is the Huracan Kati on June 21st.

In the Caribbean June 1st Marks the beginning of Hurricane Season, the word Hurricane derives from our ancestral word Huracan which literally translates as Wind Center. This time marks Guinep fruit season, and the Cigua (Whelks) breeding season in the Caribbean one of our ancestral staple sea foods which was also a symbolic adornment for the Leaders of Yamaye Tainos.

Spiritual Significance
According the superstition dictionary: It has been suggested that hurricanes represent the Mother Goddess in life that has been associated with rebirth due to the “spiral” shape. 

The eye of the storm has been interpreted as symbolic, and the key to rebirth as well as spiritual enlightenment. In the wake of a hurricane we tend to see mass destruction.
For us the Huracan is connected to Guabancex, I will share from Ramon Pane's writings what he had learned from our ancestors:
Of another Cemi called Guabancex. This Cemi Guabancex was in the country of a great Cacique, one of the chief ones, named Aumatex. This Cemi is a woman and they say there are two others in her company. One is a crier, the other the gatherer or governor of the waters. And when Guabancex is angry, they say, that she raises the wind and brings rain, and throws down houses and shakes the trees. This cemi they say is a woman and was made of stone of that country. The other two cemis that are with her are named, the one Guatauba, and is a crier or proclaimer and by order of Guabancex makes proclamation that all the other cemis of that province shall help raise a high wind and bring a heavy rain. The other is named koatriske who, they relate, gathers the water into the valleys between the mountains and then lets them loose to destroy the country This they are positive about.

We know Guabancex clears and creates paths for new life, transformation, rebirth and before her goes Guatauba the Thunder bringer, proclaiming her presence, Finally there is Koatriske that overwhelms by bringing the heavy waters.

Now this time is also for us fruitfulness, reaping from the work we had done prior for the sprouts from Spring are now bearing fruit and we can attest to the beauty and magnificence in creation.

The Summer Solstice (Longest day of the year) will be upon us and for some represents the completion of a cycle.

This Full Moon is about transformation, rebirth, completion, clearing, reaping. I encourage practicing a simple ceremony below to help connect with this moment:

1. Create Sacred Space - Call on your ancestors, your guides, the ways your ancestors would have. Ask them to help focus your mind and heart to the task at hand, so you may be prepared to show yourself worthy for all that you seek, to attract the energy necessary to manifest your desire with the coming seasons.

2. With your eyes closed while standing or sitting on a chair, Take 7 deep inhales and exhales to clear your mind.

3. Visualise a pin hole in-front of you and with your eyes closed air draw with your finger from this pinhole a spiral going anti clock wise and continually expanding. Drawing bigger and bigger until you have reached your physical limit air drawing with your finger.
Ask Guabancex to clear away all that doesn't serve at this point and feel it all moving out from the pin holes in spirals out of you and disappearing in thin air.

4. Give thanks , and now visualise and air draw from along this spiral moving inward to the central pin hole. When completed  visualise the gifts / medicine that most suite you moving forward being planted within that pinhole... within you. (Now is a good time to ask for guidance from your spiritual guides)

5.When you feel in your heart it is time give them thanks for their guidance and the energy given to you. 

Energy is present 2 days before and 2 days after the Full moon so you have time to practice.