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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Yamaye Guidance 2024 Calendar Year


An ancient part of Taino traditions that was recorded in brief ,is our ceremonies in-which community members gathered before the Kasike (Chief) and through ancestral ceremony there were songs, chants in the form of call and response culminating in the community asking questions of the Kasike and receiving guidance from the Cemi (ancestral sacred spirits). 

Today we slowly try to anchor these teachings and ways for a people "dispersed not disconnected" and will be sharing the guidance received for this Gregorian calendar year of 2024 from ancestral guidance.


This year is guided by three (3) R's , Remorse, Regret and Resentment.

Remorse - deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed. (What did you do ?)
Regret - a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over an occurrence or something that one has done or failed to do. (What did or didn't you do ?)
Resentment - a feeling of indignant displeasure or persistent ill will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or injury. (What was done to you ? )

The positive of this year is an opportunity
To Right wrongs, to heal those you have wronged be it plant, animal, stone, person or spirit. 
To Respond from a healed space to a scenario we had failed to do so in the past.
To Reinforce our value of self to state NO and choose self love.
To be Resilient , fight for what is worth it and Relese what no longer serves us.

The positive of this year is that alot of scenarios will be Replayed and provide opportunities to handle them differently, so be mindful of your triggers , be patient and prepared to heal old wounds.

The negative of this year is that many will be going through the 3 R's and may have a tendency to project their wounds, becoming more confrontational. The guidance speaks towards being forewarned is being forearmed so with this knowledge be mindful of those projecting and do not engage, many will come at you with their Resentment, Regret and Remorse looking externally as opposed to internally so do not take this situations personally. 


A practice I recommend especially this year is that of RELEASE.
In the Taino tradition a Guanara / Wanara is a place apart, sacred space for healing, this can be an altar space, a meditation space, a quiet space , anywhere that is used for Reflection and Restoration. 
In this space spend a few minutes in a supplicatory posture with your forehead as close to the Earth as you can comfortably and from there Repeat in your mind and heart the word OPENNESS, and RELEASE, you can chant or listen to music calming and clearing for your spirit. 
With this process simply allow the emotions to come up and be released to Atabey (mother earth), we don't need to analyze them or understand them simply experience them and allow that release.

After a good purge of tears and strong emotions spend some time REFLECTING in thanksgiving for accessible healing and ancestral guidance.

Yayabo Huma (Great spirit be with you All )
Anhan Katu (And so it Is )